The Day Before🖤

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No Pov:

It was 7pm and Chloe and Aidy were talking about how exited they were to meet the cast if IT. The girls had been waiting for this moment forever. They had begged their parents to go to any horror convention that the cast was going to, it was always a no however this time the girls asked their mothers gave in. They brought the girls tickets to go and meet the whole of the 'Losers club.

Chloe: So who are you most exited to meet, Obviously I'm most exited to see Wyatt.

Aidy: Probably Jaeden to be fair, he has been my celebrity crush since like 2017. But make sure you don't pass out as soon as you see Wyatt okay? (She chuckles to herself)

Chloe: I'm not going to pass out, you idiot! That was a 1 time thing.

Aidy: Oh please, when you met Nico Mirallegro, you practically died.

(Both girls erupt into laughter.)

Chloe: Okay, but most important question, what have you brought to wear tomorrow because we both have to look really cute.

Aidy: Well I was just gonna wear this, I don't know how I feel about it though.

Aidy: Well I was just gonna wear this, I don't know how I feel about it though

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Chloe: Yes! That is so cute, and edgy (Chloe says in a sarcastic tone.)

Aidy: So what about you, what are you wearing?

Chloe: I don't know come and help me look.

(The girls go and look through Chloe's wardrobe.)

Aidy: Look, this would look sweet.

Chloe: Yes! I love that, sometimes you can be good with clothes

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Chloe: Yes! I love that, sometimes you can be good with clothes. Right lets get our pyjamas on and watch a film then we can go to bed cause we've gotta get up early.

Aidy: Okay, what film though?

Chloe: IT obviously!

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