Found 2: First Day

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It had been about four years since Alfred had found Matthew, or rather since Matthew had been dragged in by Kumajirou. Matthew now looked six and his English was much better than it had been. This was in part due to the fact that he and Gilbert’s favorite game was ‘name that object’. Needless to say Gilbert had been learning the root native language and Matthew had been learning both English and German. Gilbert also had begun making a habit of coming over to simply spend time with the North American brothers over the past four years and would watch Matthew whenever Alfred had business to take care of for either of the nations he was helping to run. Now that Matthew was a little older the Canadian government wanted him to get some kind of education, and taking into account the fact he has been growing at a normal human rate the Canadian government informed Alfred that he would need to find a school in America to send Matthew to. Alfred had been more surprised they wanted him going to an American school than anything else but had agreed to it. It didn’t take long for him to find a school that met his standards and sign Matthew up for classes.

It was Matthew’s first day and Alfred was dropping his brother off at the school he had chosen. It was a public school, Alfred figured it would be better than sending him to a private school full of rich brats that thought money made them better. Matthew was clinging to his side as they walked into the building and followed a few other new students to the classroom.

“Let’s see, you’ve got Mrs. Wagner for your teacher Mattie.”

Matthew yanked on Alfred’s pant leg, pouting up at him.

“Don’t wanna go.”

Sighing Alfred kneels down beside his brother outside the classroom.

“Come on Mattie you gotta go to school. You can make friends here. They’ll even be your own age.”

“Don’t wanna. Wanna stay with Brother and Gilbert. Don’t wanna make other friends.”

Alfred sets a hand on his brother’s head at his stubbornness. He knew he should have tried harder to get Matthew to play with other kids more but between his job and what they are it was hard finding kids for Matthew to play with. Add to that the fact he only recently learned enough English to communicate easily and it just wouldn’t have made much difference.

“Look. Behave, try to make friends and do what the teacher tells you and I’ll take you out for dinner at IHOP and you can have pancakes and maple syrup and all the ice cream you can handle, deal?”

Matthew pouts but seems to be contemplating the deal before nodding and holding out his hand to shake on it. “Deal.”

Alfred smiles and takes the hand before pulling his brother in for a noogie. “Alright, now behave ok. I want a full report on what you do today, got it?”

“Alright Brother.”

With that he runs off into the classroom to try and make friends with the other kids. It was then that Alfred noticed the teacher standing beside the door smiling at him. He smiles nervously at her and rubs the back of his head.

“Eheh. I guess I kinda spoil him.”

She shakes her head. “There isn’t really anything wrong with it, just be careful that you don’t spoil him too much or he won’t be able to make many friends.” She holds out her hand. “I’m Mrs. Wagner by the way.”

Alfred takes the offered hand and shakes it. “Alfred Jones. Matthew’s my little brother.”

“Ah, I see. Usually its parents that drop off their children on the first day.”

“Ah, well I’m Matt’s legal guardian, so it’s kind of the same thing. Our parents are kind of gone...”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. It must be difficult raising your little brother, but you seem to be doing a good job so far.”

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