Lost Canada

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Matthew Williams never felt that anyone ever really saw him. He was often over looked in meetings, even ones with only a few other nations present, like the G8. He actually had just come from a G8 meeting and was wondering the Mall in DC. It was late but the Canadian wasn’t really worried about anyone noticing him enough to do him any harm. He clutched his briefcase to his chest in place of the bear he usually held. He had left Kumajirou at his home in Canada for the duration of his meetings in the American capitol. Just then he hears a snap off to the side and turns to look before being grabbed by the scruff of his collar. The next few moments are a blur as whoever had grabbed him tried to wrestle his briefcase away from him. Then there was a bang and Matthew felt like fire was racing up and down his spine before his vision went black and he collapsed to the cold ground. He had never imagined he would die in a mugging after all the wars he had been through.


A couple of weeks later a young man is biking on an out of the way path through the woods near the Mall. He loved coming out on these trails as they were one of the few green spaces left in the city. He slowed down seeing some large sticks across the path ahead and not wanting to simply run over them due to their size. When he came to a stop he hopped off his bike to lift it over the sticks but then stopped as he noted they weren’t sticks but bones. Human bones. Hurriedly he sets down his bike and dials the police.


Doctor Temperance Brennan made her way down the bike trail to the crime scene where human remains had been found. Arriving on the scene she noticed the police tape already up and one of the agents talking to a young man standing next to a bike. She concluded he must have been the one to find the remains. Turning to where several agents were working on documenting the scene she steps over and examines the remains scattered across the trail.

“The rest of the remains are over that way hidden in some bushes. Looks like some of the local wild life dragged these out into the trail.”

Brennan nods at her partner’s information before standing up and heading over to the rest of the remains to examine them. The remains in the bushes seemed rather intact save for the few missing bones that had been dragged out into the path. She could tell whoever it was had been wearing a suit though they had no shoes and there was a briefcase laying open and empty next to the body.

“It looks like a mugging, but there’s no ID on the remains. It was probably swiped with whatever valuables the murderer took.”

Brennan kneels next to the remains, examining them. “He’s male, probably in his late teens, early twenties. Probably just out of university given his suit.” Brennan looks over the tattered suit and remains. “Have the remains brought back to the Jeffersonian. We’ll have Angela do a reconstruction and get us a face to match with recent missing persons. He’s only been out here a few weeks given the rate of decomposition.”

“Can do.”


Back at the Jeffersonian Brennan has the bones cleaned and hands over the victim’s clothes and effects to Hodgins for analysis. She also gives him a pair of glasses that were found near the body and the briefcase, in hopes they will shed some light on the victim’s identity. Once the bones were clean Brennan began placing markers on the man’s skull.

“This is odd.” She looked over the skull and markers for a few moments before finishing her task and taking the skull to Angela for a reconstruction.

“Angela. I want you to be careful about the reconstruction of the facial features. I was fairly certain he was Caucasian but I’m seeing hints that he may have some Native American in his heritage.”

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