Chapter 4

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Aww, its the epilogue/wrap up thingy. Had to happen eventually. Thanks for all the support guys, this has been fun.


It didn't take long for Alfred and Matthew to get Elizabeth checked out of the hospital, with Alfred covering the expense of all her hospital bills. They took the time to head over to Elizabeth's apartment so she could grab a change of clothes and make herself presentable for meeting the world. It didn't take her long and they were soon on their way to New York.

Upon their arrival in New York and as they approached the UN building Elizabeth began to feel herself growing nervous. So far she hadn't heard anything about the other nations that was truly positive. She'd been given lots of warnings though. Don't do this around this nation and don't do that around that nation sort of things. Frankly it was terrifying to think these people were so important to the way the world works.

However it seemed Alfred was just as nervous as her, though she didn't understand why. It sounded like he was worried about how this Russian fellow was going to react, but Matthew had explained to her that Alfred hadn't gotten together with Ivan until recently. So he couldn't be worried about Elizabeth showing that he'd been unfaithful. It was all so confusing.

They had just begun crossing the plaza in front of the UN building when Elizabeth took notice of a short blonde man scowling at them from the door to the building. His arms were crossed as he stared down on them as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Took you two bloody long enough." His gaze narrows upon taking notice of Elizabeth and she gulps, already knowing who this must be. If the accent hadn't given it away the hair and eyes would have as she sees them nearly everyday when she looks in the mirror. "And who the bloody hell is she?"

Elizabeth notices Alfred attempting to look sheepish as he stalls his answer. Matthew just lets out a large sigh and answers for him.

"Arthur this is Elizabeth. She represents the New England states. We just found out about her today and were picking her up when you called earlier."

Arthur seemed to stare at her for a moment, shock evident. "So, she's a state?"

Alfred nods at Arthur's inquiry.

"But how? Where did she come from? Why are you only just now finding her you git!"

Alfred seemed to shrink down and was hiding behind Elizabeth as Arthur yelled at him. Matthew though stepped forward his hands raised in a placating gesture. "Arthur please calm down. We'll explain in the meeting, I promise."

Arthur seemed to calm down a bit and think about it, nodding in the end. "Alright, I'll wait then."

The small group finally was making their way into the building and Elizabeth couldn't help but stare about in slight awe. She was still nervous to be meeting others who were apparently like herself but it was still the UN building. The four stopped outside a heavy looking wood door and Elizabeth just stared like a dear caught in the headlights of a truck. Arthur was the one to reach forward and push the doors open leading them all inside.

As soon as the doors opened a cacophony of sounds reached her ears.

"Ve~ Germany I want pasta. How much longer till we can eat?"

"Hey! Potato Bastard keep off of my idiot brother!"


"Bruder, what are you doing here? You know you aren't allowed in the meetings."

"Da, this is fun. So lively."

"Ohonhonhon. Pruessen is allowed Allemagne, He is the other half of your country and you do allow Romano."

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