Chapter Six: Fire Meet Gasoline

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Aira dared to wonder if maybe, just maybe, Van hadn't meant those horrible things he said; that maybe he was just frustrated about being ill.

That maybe he did love her in his own tortured way.

But maybe he didn't love her. Maybe she was living in a fantasy world she had created where everything she wished to be true, was true.

Had he really known?

Had he been aware that those innocent people at the campsite that terrible day were in danger?

When she had looked into his eyes, she saw only honesty. Despite his rough exterior and vile language, she knew he was good. Deep inside, he wanted what was best for her, like he always had. That counted for something.

If he didn't want her, she wouldn't drag on this hopeless crusade. She wouldn't force him to say he loved her. Heck, he may have professed that he cared, but caring didn't equal love.

"Love is unconditional."

'Take a page from your own book, Van,' she thought with a sad frown.

"You're looking quite upset today. Normally I'd be very thrilled, but you look as if your meal ran away."

Looking up, Aira fought not to sigh heavily and cursed her luck. "Hello, Lillya."

Lillya rubbed her protruding belly and gave a half-smile, indicating she was at least trying to be polite. "You certainly look fatter. No wonder you're so upset!" she gasped, eyeing the human up and down.

Aira blanched and pointed to Lillya's big belly, "isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?"

Lillya's eyes widened in confusion as she laughed, "Pots can't talk! And- what is a kettle?"

Oh, right, not accustomed to human gadgets. She forgot about that. Aira doubted Lillya had ever had a reason to enter a kitchen. They did prefer to eat raw meat and drink water as well. Not to mention they didn't use bathrooms, as Lillya did grow up in a more secluded and old-fashioned pack.

"Why do you even care?" Aira sighed, already tired of this conversation.

Her smile was blinding as she said, "Oh, strahalyudina, I don't care. I don't care that you're hopelessly in love with our alpha."

Aira's face paled as she looked to Lillya with wide eyes and ignored the fact she had just called her 'ugly one' in Russian. "No, no, I'm not-" she tried to explain, but Lillya cut her off.

"Aiden doesn't know if that is what you are afraid of. He is clueless to much that doesn't concern his pups," she smiled and rubbed her stomach. She quickly grabbed Aira's hand and put it on the side. "Do you feel that? They are strong!"

Aira, still shocked, laughed awkwardly. "That's... amazing. They're kicking."

Lillya shook her head, laughing, "No, Samiul is the one kicking you. Kostya doesn't kick me, thank goodness."

"Samiul and Kostya?"

"Yes," Lillya nodded, removing Aira's hand. "We have decided to call them Samiul and Kostya, after Drake and Konstantin. It would cause me too much pain to call my sons by my father's name."

Remembering that her father had been killed when Ronan had attacked, Aira frowned. "I'm sorry..."

Lillya ignored her apology and gave her a pointed stare. "We are not friends, and maybe we never will be, but I have to thank you for Olya. You have been teaching her English, and she now stands taller and is surer of herself. I... appreciate that. She's all I have left."

Blood Bound [Book Two, Lady and the Wolf] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now