I Wish It Continued

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Photos above are just grabbed from google. No copyright infringement intended, ok? Haha

It's weird. I never had a dream that I want to badly happen in real life.

Here's a quick background about me. I'm a girl, ISTJ personality, never been in a relationship, and do not want one because I believe that marriage is a trap.

But last night, I had a beautiful and heart warming dream that still leaves me in awe.

It was about this guy and him trying to get my attention. It's weird because I have never felt that in real life.

We had some convention in a beautiful white sand beach, and as most weird dreams, the guy who I think likes me, a friend of mine named Aisle, and me were to stay in the same room as a team but have different beds. Even in my dreams, I'm conservative.

He slept on the farthest from me and Aisle was in the middle. He's a geeky , rich kind of immature guy but handsome and cute in a way. I can't really remember his face but the feeling he left me with was a tall, big guy with a warm heart and quirkiness. I liked it. It was comfortable.

As assuming as I was, we never really talked but I knew he glanced once or more with a soft smile and chinky eyes on his face.

My dream fast forwarded to when we were sitting at the beach side and the two of us were just casually talking and really just having fun. We took a white table and  sat opposite to each other. What was weird was because he even put make up on. I was frank and told him that it did not look good on him. But he still laughed and continued teasing. It was fun. I liked him more. The "Friendly" date ended  for that day. The breeze of the beach and warmth of a summer day plus a fun friend felt like I was in cloud nine.

The next day, Aisle and I were walking beside the sandy sea and saw the guy dating another girl. I laughed cause I was happy for him but also noticed something different. I blurted out " Yesterday, we were talking and he had make-up on. Today he didn't. That's weird. Haha"

Aisle replied: "Then he must really like you because he put so much effort in ieven doing make up for you."

I'm not the kind of person who would automatically assume that He's the guy for me but at that moment, it felt like he was. I stared at the guy and his date.

He just smiled and waved back cheerfully,

That night, a friend of his asked whether he'll buy the latest PS5. He said, he will and would want to play with it with someone he likes, and glanced at me.

I know  this is a detailed dream but it really gave an impact on my hard heart, softening it.

Sometimes when I take a nap somewhere on the beach, he'd be cheerfully saying hi to me all the time. It was heart warming.

The night after, we had to attend a conference so I dressed up in an orange suit with a huge orange hat. I wanted to rest so I went out of the conference and saw the guy waiting for me, wearing a red tuxedo, while feeling nervous like he wanted to say something. I thought he was waiting for me. Maybe he did.

But I wanted to avoid the situation and found a college friend of mine. I pulled her, had small conversation, and took her downstairs to the lobby, avoiding  the guy.

But he was still persistent. He followed me down and told me that he wanted to say something to me.

I told him, that I'd like it if we could talk outside. He smiled and he took his black coat to walk out, gesturing me to go out first. So I did. He skipped some steps so he could be in walking in front of me.

A sudden feeling of wanting to hold his swaying hands got over me. I tried to grab it but to no avail. He slowed his pace to walk beside me. But I was too shy to hold it too.

I had a feeling that he was going to confess his feelings but I woke up in the real world to even know the question he wanted so badly to ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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