Ukai Keishin x Fem!Reader - Surprise

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"Take a break!" Ukai called. He nodded to Takeda as he stepped outside.

He lit a cigarette and sighed.

"Well, well. The rumors are true," a voice said. "I never pegged you for a coach."

The blond glanced up in surprise, nearly dropping his lighter. You were leaning against the walkway outside, your arms crossed.


You smiled. "Surprise!"

"W-when did you get back?" he asked. The last time he'd seen you had been about a year and a half ago, when you left for Paris. You only came home for major holidays, and you were always gone again by the time he'd found out. It drove him crazy. And yet, here you were. Standing in front of him.

"Last week, actually. But you were gone to Tokyo, so I had to wait to see you."

"Sorry, I--"

"It's fine." You gave him a reassuring smile. "It was worth it for you."

He blushed slightly, averting his eyes.

"Oh, and I have something for you! Close your eyes."

He huffed, puffs of smoke escaping his nostrils. Nevertheless, he complied and shut his eyes. You gently took his hand in your own. He was so distracted by your touch he hardly noticed you had given him something.

He slowly opened his eyes to see a bottle resting in his hand. The writing there was strange, and he frowned slightly as he tried to read it.

"It's a popular beer from Paris," you told him. "I thought we could celebrate."

"Thank you," he said as he pulled the cigarette from his mouth. "But what's the occasion?"

"I'm back for good."

He stared at you in surprise. "For good?" he repeated.

You nodded. "No more traveling abroad. At least for now."

Before you could blink, Ukai had wrapped his arms around you and pressed you against him.

"If you think I'm letting you go again, you're an idiot."

You laughed, staring up at him.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

He moved his right hand to your cheek, gently tilting your chin towards him with his thumb. You leaned closer. So did he.

"Ukai-uwaugh!" a voice exclaimed behind you.

Ukai sighed as he turned around to glare at Takeda. The teacher's cheeks were bright red at having interrupted something.

"I-I'm sorry, but the break is over."

The blond slowly turned back to you. You gave him a quick peck.

"It's okay. We can catch up another time."

You went to move, but he held you fast.

"Find me at the store later and we'll celebrate."

"You got it, ace," you replied, using your old nickname for him. He felt his cheeks heat up once more. You loosened yourself from his hold and started heading out. He turned and glared at Takeda again, only to find that he'd been joined by the rest of the team.

They all stared at him in a mixture of surprise, awe, and jealousy.

"Oi, what are you idiots looking at?!" Ukai snapped.

"When did you get a girlfriend, Coach?!"

"She's so cute!"

"Where have you been hiding her?"

"Please!" Nishinoya and Tanaka exclaimed as they bowed down in front of him. "Teach us what you know!"

"Shut up and get back to practicing, all of you!"

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