Question 4

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Me: Oona, here's the question I mentioned earlier.

Oona: Okay, ask it already!

Me: You know when you got stuck in that time loop?


Otis: But we almost got stuck in that forever, you know...

Me: Oona, when you ate the toast, how did it taste?

Oona: *stares blankly into space*

Me: Are you okay?

Oona: I just realized I forgot to eat it...

*Otis, Olympia, and I facepalm*

Oona: But it's in the fridge! I'll go get it!

*runs out of room before any of us can do or say anything*

A few minutes later...

Oona: *comes back with a plate of toast* Got it!

*eats a ridiculously large bite*

Oona: It's the best toast I've ever tasted...

Otis: Really? Let me try that.

*rips off a piece and eats it*

Otis: That's the best toast I've ever tasted...

*Olympia and I both try* 

*Both of us say the line simultaneously*

Olympia: We need to get all of Odd Squad to try this thing!

Otis: Are you sure about that?

*every Odd Squad agent around the area crowds into room*

Me: Well, too late to go back now!

Otis: *groans*

*everyone gets a tiny piece to try, until the plate is free of crumbs*

Oona: Wow, that finished quickly.

Olympia: But that was only this precinct! We need to get the whole world!

Otis: Seriously, that isn't going to work!

Olympia: Then, let's get that girl's permission!

Oona: It's Oquisha.

Olympia: Well then, Oquisha's permission!

*everyone turns to me, who is toasting toast*

Olympia: Score! *pulls out the Before-Now Machine, with the classic ding!*

Otis, Oona, and I: Don't do it...

*Olympia drops the gadget, and it breaks*

Otis: Here we go again.

This question was a longer one, because I really wanted a continuation of Drop Gadget Repeat; it's actually my favorite episode! :D

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