XV. America's Pastime

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Evelyn sat cross-legged on Bella's bed, watching her friend fidget with her outfit in front of the mirror hanging on the closet door. It had been a week or so since Jasper had introduced her to his family, and they had been invited to go and play baseball with the Cullen family tonight. Edward and Jasper had told her that Alice had seen the perfect storm coming in, so tonight had to be the night to play. Evelyn had asked Jasper why they would want to play baseball in a storm multiple times, but all he ever did was smile and say that she would just have to wait and see.

Marie dropped her off at Bella's house about an hour ago, leaving with a smug smile after Evelyn told her she would be with Jasper again tonight. She had not told her aunt that she and Jasper were officially together yet, but she knew Marie had a sneaking suspicion and kept dropping hints on when she would be able to finally meet him.

"I don't know, Ev, I feel like he would overreact if I told him it was a date."

Evelyn rolled her eyes playfully, meeting her friend's worried gaze in the mirror. "He's your dad, Bells, that's kind of his job. I don't think you have anything to worry about. As irritating as Edward is, he'll want Charlie to like him because it would make you happy."

Bella grinned, turning to face her. "You're probably right. Is Jasper coming too?"

"I think so. Actually, I think they just pulled up," Evelyn observed, noticing a Jeep coming down the street from Bella's window. She could just make out the flash of Jasper's blond hair in the passenger seat as the vehicle came to a stop in front of the house. "Let's go get this over with, Bella. I want to see what they've been so excited about for the past week."

Bella groaned loudly but nodded, making her way out the door and down the steps with Evelyn close behind. When they got into the kitchen, Charlie was sitting at the table cleaning one of his rifles. Evelyn leaned against the counter as Bella grabbed a beer can from the fridge, setting it down in front of her father.

"I got you another one," she started, shifting her weight nervously as she watched her father's face. Charlie raised his eyebrows in appreciative surprise.


"I have a date with Edward Cullen tonight," Bella blurted, unable to hold it in any longer. Evelyn snorted at her friend's bluntness, earning a menacing glare from her in return.

Charlie frowned deeply, giving Bella a stern look before turning back to his rifle. "He's a little old for you, isn't he?" He did not sound excited about the idea of Bella on a date at all. Evelyn bit her lip to hold in her laugh; she wondered what Charlie would do if he knew how old Edward really was, let alone how old Jasper was.

"No, he's a junior, I'm a junior." She paused for a moment, trying to think of what to say to convince him. "I thought you liked the Cullens."

Charlie scowled as he sipped his beer. "Well I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town."

Bella frowned, afraid that he would tell her she couldn't go. "Technically Edward doesn't live in town, Dad. Ev is coming too because she's dating Jasper, so it's not like I'll be alone."

Charlie's frown deepened as his gaze moved to Evelyn, a questioning look in his eye. "I heard about that, your aunt was talking about it at the diner this morning." He glanced between Evelyn and his daughter again, returning to Evelyn before he spoke. "Marie approves of him?"

"She adores him," Evelyn confirmed, and even though she technically hadn't introduced them yet, she knew that Marie wouldn't be able to not love everything about Jasper. She figured a small white lie wouldn't hurt Charlie, especially if it meant that she and Bella would get to go out tonight.

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