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Dahlia manages to avoid seeing Draco for the entire rest of the day. Then, just to be sure, she sneaks out of bed after the other three girls are sound asleep and locks the door. 

Long before she is ready, Dahlia is woken by Pansy shaking her shoulders. "Wake up love it's day one of classes! I simply couldn't be more thrilled!" She clasps her hands to her heart and fake swoons. "I just love Hogwarts and every last professor here! Your whole life is about to change for the better!"

Tracey throws a pillow at her, something that is quickly becoming an every day occurrence. "Shut up. Some of us aren't taking a full coarse load and want to sleep in!" She mumbles, yanking her covers up over her head.

Pansy rolls her eyes and then turns her attention back to Dahlia. "No but really, wake up. We have Potions with Snape in half an hour."

"Oh you have got to be kidding me. I cannot take that man at the ass crack of dawn." Dahlia flops backwards, exasperated.

"What in the bloody hell is the 'ass crack of dawn'? And how do you know who Snape is?" Pansy asks, grabbing her arms and pulling her upright again.

Dahlia rolls her eyes. "It's an expression. And I don't know him personally...I have just heard things about him." This is only half a lie. Dahlia does know Snape personally, though not from any realm in which he would dare to bring in front of a class of students...and technically, she has heard things about him.

"Well, put your robes on and let's get going. I'll meet you in the common room in ten minutes." Pansy saunters out, the door closing behind her.

Dahlia forces herself to get out of the bed and pad over to survey her clothing selection. She takes notice of what appears to be the uniform, as there are four identical sets of black skirts, white button ups, and green ties hanging up. 

"Not likely..." Dahlia mutters under her breath, shoving them to the side. Instead. she selects a black long sleeve turtleneck sweater dress and her knee high boots. She does, however, still slide the black and green robe on over her chosen outfit.

After grabbing her Potions book off the floor, she heads out to the common room to find Pansy...who is nowhere in sight. In fact, the only person in the whole deserted place is, of course, Draco.

"Where did Pansy go?" Dahlia asks, as she breezes right past him without stopping.

"I sent her on and told her I would walk you myself because we had some things to discuss." Draco follows her out into the hallway. 

Dahlia can't help but snort. "Of course you did. And we have nothing to discuss."

"We do, though. Primarily, where is your uniform? Snape will eat you alive." Draco looks her up and down in the way he does every time they are together.

"I would rather shit in my own hands and clap before wearing that get up. And you aren't wearing it either. Also, I am not in the least worried about Snape." Dahlia quickens her pace, but he has no problem keeping up with her.

"I live by a different set of rules here, Dahlia. And what do you mean you don't have to worry about Snape?" Draco asks, still striding along next to her. She could tell the expression she had used confused him by the furrowing of his brow, but not enough that he said anything about it.

Dahlia snorts again. "Oh please. We're practically in the same situation Draco, we're living by the same set of rules. And I know Snape personally, is all."

Draco stops in his tracks, forcing Dahlia to stop as well when he grabs her by her wrist and yanks her to face him. "We are NOT in the same situation. Don't even begin to compare the two of us. There is no confusion about where my loyalties lie. And I am not here to hide out and sulk like a coward."

With that, he spins on his heel and storms off back the way they came. Dahlia huffs, takes a deep breath, and then turns to continue in the direction they were headed. However, she ends up taking exactly one step before running nose first into a hulking figure dressed in all black. Snape.

"Salazar's Angel. Pleasure," He drawls, placing a hand on her shoulder to steady her. 

Dahlia inhale deeply. "Severus. Long time no see." With that, she proceeds around him and through the door to the potions classroom. 

As she takes a seat next to Pansy, she distantly wonders if he even saw the interaction between her and Draco or he just didn't care...

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