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Monday, 11:25 pm

Me: 😢

Hobibae: What's wrong?

Me: I feel like jumping off a cliff 😭

Even though Hoseok had only ten minutes left before he had to go to the stage to perform, he didn't hesitate at all and quickly dashed into the toilet where no one was in. He quickly hide inside one stall and called your number.

Y/N: Y-you called.

He could hear you sniffing on the other end of the line, blowing your nose into tissues. He frowned, worried.

JHS: What happened?

Y/N: I didn't do well on my midterm examination. I was so close to failing just by one percent. If I keep this up, I might end up loosing my scholarship and I am already struggling to pay for my own living expenses. Worst comes to worst, I might have to drop out of university or get kicked out.

JHS: What about your parents? Don't they send you some sort of monthly allowance?

Y/N: I have no one, Hobi. I can only rely on myself and blame myself for my own faults.

His heartaches inside his chest when he heard you say that. He clutched his own chest with his hand then nodded.

JHS: You're not alone, Y/N. You have me. I'm here for you, remember? You're my hope, I'm your hope. I may not be there physically to give you a hug but just to let you know that if I was there, I would be hugging you right now with a warm, tight hug.

A tiny smile formed on your face, feeling touched when you heard his comforting words. You may not know his real name or who he really was but he was really here for you when you never had anyone there for you before. You wiped your snot and tears with your sleeves and sniffed.

Y/N: Thank you, Hobi.

JHS: Anytime, anywhere, I'll try my very best to be there for you. Just let me know. I'll be that sunshine to recharge you like you are the sunshine who recharges me.

Y/N: Okay, I'll try.

He opened his stall to peek out to see if anyone was there but there wasn't so he walked out and look after the clock on the wall seeing that he had five minutes left until he had to go on stage.

JHS: You know what? Send me your address.

Y/N: Huh? Why?

JHS: Don't worry, I promise I won't do anything creepy, I'm not a strange man. Just tell me so I'll be able to do something that can help you cheer up.

Y/N: If you say so... I trust you.

You told him your address. He notes and he writes it down on a notes app in his phone the nods.

JHS: Okay, I got it. I'm sorry, I have to get going now. But promise me you won't cry anymore and cheer up, okay?

Y/N: Okay bye.

You hung up then you received a new message from him.

Hobibae: Goodnight Y/N and sleep tight.
I love you.💜


He was shocked when he had read that he sent you the 3 most intimate words in his life. Panicking in regret to how you would respond, he tried to delete it but you had already left it on seen so it made him panic even more. Did he just ruin everything?


It took you a while to process everything when you saw those three words. You thought he probably didn't mean it the way you think he did, he was probably being open like how foreigners are. Although it definitely made your heart flutter but you decided to brush it off and replied.

Me: Aww
I love you too 💜

When he quickly glanced at his phone from his pocket as he had now two minutes left before heading on the stage, he saw your text and found himself smiling from ear to ear brightly with his face glowing.

Jimin observed him from the corner then yelled, "Hobi-hyung has gone crazy again!"

𝔸 𝔽𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕠𝕦𝕥! || Jung Hoseok x Reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now