Chapter 10

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Philip was sitting on his gathering all of his thoughts about the events that happened few hours ago including the revelation that Father Valentin, the priest he knew for so many years as an ordinary curator, was actually the present Grand Master of the order he actually admired and studied for about twenty years, protecting the secret he is searching since the year he studied it, and now, upon knowing that he was the secret the Priory was defending, he could not imagine what awaits him in his life. All he knew was, his life is in danger. Knowing that he is the son of the priest who was the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion and the courier of the name de Santa Clara which was originally known in French as the descendants of the founder of France, the Merovidian Kings, which were also the descendants of Mary Magdalene and Christ. De Santa Clara was the translation of Saint Claire wherein two of them became the pioneering member of the Priory.

Philip was still stunned by everything that happened a while ago. He sprang from his bed and rushed to the bathroom to splash water in his face. After a few minutes, he stared at the mirror and sees himself staring back at him. Blinking twice, the image changed. It was his father staring back at him. Suddenly, the priest spoke. “Think Philip. Think.” Philip tried to gather all his thoughts and recalled a line in the poem used by father Valentin to find the papers they have kept; the unknown gospels the Priory has protected.

It hides beneath a Knight’s stake

Philip remembered the book he had read. Today is Friday the thirteenth. This is the day when the Knights Templar was captured by the Catholic Church and was burned at the stake charging them as worshipers of Mary Magdalene. He read on his book that Magdalene was Christ’s wife and the mother of their child who created and leave bloodlines which Philip belonged. Upon having the royal blood of Christ and Magdalene, he knows that it was a big responsibility and of course a threat to the church. “Would I destroy faith...or renew it? The choice is up to me now.” Philip said but something struck his mind. He recalled his father’s last words in his phone. “You are the secret, Philip.”

Philip thought that his father is telling him that he has the clue of what contains the papers they hid beneath a Templar’s burning stake, and who the Templar was. Suddenly, in just one blow, Philip had connected the dots. He stared back at the mirror and smiled. “I think I know where the resting place of the documents is.”

Philip returned to his room, he search for the jar given to him by Father Valentin eight years ago then he moved out from his house and pick a piece of rose in the garden. The rose he knew was the symbol of the Holy Grail wherein it was mistaken as a chalice, but in fact, it was a person once called as a prostitute by the Catholic Church, but was only made to cover up that she was a descendant from the Tribe of King Benjamin that has a Royal Blood. Mary Magdalene’s blood is royal similar to his husband, Jesus which became a threat to the Catholic world. Philip inserted the rose at the jar and jogged straight towards the seashore.

It hide’s beneath the Knight’s stake

Upon the church of the Royal wife.

You kneel before the fallen church

Below you’ll see the ancient scripts.

Philip believes that most historians could barely understand the poems content. Most of them went to the St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish to find a passageway towards the crypt; some thought that the crypt was at Joroan church for it contained the original hundreds-of-years-old statue of Our Lady of Salvation, but after how many times of analyzing Philip realized that he knew where the documents were located. He went straight towards the Sinimbahanan ruins.

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