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June 12th...

I woke up with a nightmare. This one was different. It was everything gathered into one dream. Me getting kidnapped, being forced to watch my father beat my brother, getting sexually assaulted and then the dream ended by my mother getting killed. It had been about an hour since I woke up shaking. I was still shaking. I sat on the window sill in our bedroom, staring up at the stars on the dark night sky.

I missed my mum so terribly. Yesterday was three months since she died, three months since Badger and Benjamin showed up at 12 Grimmauld place and told me she had been murdered. Well, they didn't actually tell me she was murdered because I didn't let Badger tell me. I knew automatically that it had happened. I knew she was dead and I knew who had been the cause of it.

My cousin Aline paid a visit yesterday to check up on me with my pregnancy which she had done since we first found out. She came to check on me every week to make sure everything was doing alright. Yesterday I was seven weeks and seven days, meaning that today I was exactly eight weeks pregnant.

Two months down and seven to go.

I wish my mum could be here. I wish she could be here and I could tell her about the pregnancy. She would hug me, congratulate me and even cry because she was going to be a grandmother. She'd hold me when I told her I was scared. She'd assure me that everything was going to be okay, that giving birth hurts but as soon as you hold your new child in your arms, you forget about the pain. That naming your child is one of the most powerful things you'll ever do and that watching them grow into amazing people is everything you'll ever want.

I turned my head to look at George. His arm was spread out over the empty side of the bed, almost as if he had searched for me. I climbed off the sill and got back into bed, lifting his arm and placing it back over me as I snuggled up to him. I ran my knuckles over his cheekbone while I studied his face. It was moments like this that I cherished. Moments like this where I realised I wouldn't be able to live without him... or Fred. The best thing that ever happened to me was meeting those two and Kathleen on our first day at Hogwarts.

I still remember it clearly. Kathleen and I met at the Gryffindor table. We talked and we laughed and when we got to the common room, we officially met the twins. We had already exchanged a few words with them but we hadn't had a full on conversation and we didn't know each others names.

Right away, Kathleen and I could tell the difference. They had different energies. Fred was more outgoing and wild while George was more laid back, more sympathetic. I've learned throughout the years that George is better at stopping a prank if it goes too far. He has a better eye for it while Fred can be a bit too brutal.

Suddenly George jolted in his sleep and his eyes shot open. A heavy breath left his mouth before he relaxed again. "Merlin's beard."

"Are you okay?" I asked and ran my hand through his hair. He hummed and his eyes met mine. He smiled softly, moving closer to me.

"Felt like I was suddenly falling." he said. I watched his face for a moment before I laughed. George clamped a hand over my mouth, smiling at my laugh while trying to shut me up. Probably so that Fred didn't wake up. "Why are you up?"

My laughter died and he removed his hand to let me talk. "Nightmare."

He sighed and rested his hand against the side of my neck, his thumb stroking my jaw repeatedly. "About your mum?"

"About everything that happened." I told him. "I've had these stupid nightmares for over a year. When do you think they'll go away?"

"Soon." he softly smiled. "You're getting better. I can see it when I look at you."

He pulled himself up and placed his right hand on the other side of my head, hovering over me. I rolled onto my back to look at him and smiled against his lips when he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck so he was still close to me when the kiss ended.

"Soon enough we'll have a bassinet by our bed." he whispered. "And we'll wake up in the middle of the night for a complete different reason."

Or so you think dear Georgie...

I'm sorry. I don't want to spoil anything. All I'm saying is that maybe they won't have a bassinet soon or maybe they'll have two... three perhaps. You never know.

Fun fact: June 12th is actually my birthday.

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