Chapter Twelve - Final Chapter

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A/N : So, heeeyyyy!!! I'm really sorry for the long, long wait! For various reasons it took me a lot to finish writing and editing this chapter. I know it was supposed to be a Christmas Fic and that we're in January but...well, I'M SORRY! This chapter required a lot of work and thus, it's longer than the others in the story so I hope it makes it up for the long wait! Thank you so very much to those of you who are still reading my stories and taking time to give feedback or leave a comment, thank you!!! You have no idea how much that means! Now that this has been completely written, I'll continue working on Written in The Stars! I hope you like it!!


Images on the telly showed the thousands of people already at Times Square waiting to get a privileged spot to see the sphere drop in a few hours to welcome the New Year amongst a cheering crowd of New Yorkers and tourists alike. Celebrations in Japan, Australia and other places where it was already 2015 were also being broadcasted, but it was not thrilling enough to catch the blue-eyed man's attention.

Jonny and him would spend this night together and that would beat the most lavish display of fireworks anytime as far as Chris was cocerned. As that night back in 1998, tonight, tonight it was theirs and theirs alone.

Nothing else mattered at that moment for Chris. Only them, right here, right now. Only Jonny and him mattered.

Could this be it? He nervously thought, praying his wishes and predictions could finally become true.

Jon readjusted his arms around him and Chris instinctively melted into his embrace.

Jonny's unmistakable scent filled him in and that familiar murmur, almost like a soft quiet purr his friend sometimes made while breathing in comforted his anxious mind. It was incredible that such simple things about this 37-year-old man in his arms could mean so much to him, even after 18 years of knowing him.

His whole body relaxed and Chris was immediately enveloped in a wave of peace and calm.

Hope pulsed in the center of his chest.

This was right. This time it was their time, he was sure of it.

It was their time, he could feel it.

With a tiny giggle, Jon pulled back until eventually they were facing each other.

God, he was so gorgeous, so handsome, Chris thought not able to contain the warm and fuzzy feeling inside people always get when gazing upon the person they love.

"What?" his friend laughed shortly.

He just stared harder, pointedly making his eyes bigger and getting closer and closer until he got the reaction he was looking for and Jon finally burst out laughing.

"You're crazy," the guitarist smiled.

"Took you all this time to realise?"

"No," he chuckled.

Planting a kiss on Jon's bearded cheek, Chris let go of him and gave him some space, "Come on Jay, make yourself at home, make yourself comfortable, take off your coat, your shoes," an impish grin broke in his face, "Your trousers...," he joked, "I'm not gonna stop you," he winked and got hold of the bottle of champagne carrying it to the kitchen area.

"I'm not stripping for nothing," his friend retorted, taking off his dark blue jacket.

"Would you strip for food?" Chris joked along.

"Maybe, what have you got?"

"Canapés and sushi," he grinned, "All ordered from my favourite deli-place in Manhattan, mind you."

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