Sector 7: Seventh Heaven

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(Cloud's Point of View)

               The train whistle blew as passengers filed off of the train. Everyone was silent with heads drawn downwards as we passed a Shinra guard on the station platform. I take a deep breath, happy to be freed from the confines of the train.

               "Yo! You all get over here!" Barret waves his hand in the air. Biggs, Jessie, and Wedge immediately fall into place. I saunter over. "This mission was a success. But don't get lazy now. The hard part's still to come! Don't y'all be scared of that explosion! Cause the next one's gonna be bigger than that! Meet back at the hideout!! Now move out!" I follow the others a few paces behind. We took a left until we got to a dry sandlot. There heaps of metal and old piping surrounded the area. If you looked to the north, you'd see a chain fence that had a warning sign on it. I slowed down and let my eyes trial upwards over the pillar behind the ominous chain fence. This was the pillar that held the upper plate up. If this plate were to come down, then everyone in the slums would be little more than a fleeting memory. The top-dogs in Shinra probably wouldn't even notice.

               A couple of soldiers dressed in a maroon black pushed a little boy back with the butts of their guns. The little boy fell back and coward beneath them. I stepped forward, ready to intervene.

               "What the hell do you want? You know who I am? You can't pass. I got the miserable job of keepin' scum like you from trying to sneak in here!" The taller solider spat on the ground. "Dumb slum rats."

               "W-wow! You're great at this!" the scrawny man next to him praised. It made me sick.

               "Damn straight! Don't waste time talkin', that's what I say!" the tall one puffed out his chest in arrogance. The little boy ran away from both men, tears coming from his eyes. He passed me and ran through some empty pipes to the main area of the slums. You had to be smart to survive here; this kid had probably already figured that out the hard way. I sighed.

               I continued on my way to the Seventh Heaven bar. Word has it that Tifa ran the bar there. Of course, that must mean she's in with the AVALANCHE group. I finally approach what looks like a market street. Neon signs cast dim glows into the dank slum-street. A few people mill about, most enter into shops nearby or huddle in small groups, casting suspicious glances over their shoulders. Gun shots rang out across the still air; all of the passersby immediately fled the open streets. Men stumbled from the entrance of the Seventh Heaven bar, clearly intoxicated. A woman with black hair comes running out the door and bows to them apologetically. A red-haired man flips his middle finger in the air before grumbling pass me.

               "Damn bar owners." He grumbles as he slowly trudges to wherever he might call home. Barret motions to me impatiently at the door. I readjust the sword on my back before slowly making my way to him. He smirks at me mischievously.

               "You want to see our baby?" Barret stared down at me. Little baby? What?

               "Little baby?" I ask. Barret heaves an exasperated sigh.

               "Don't go acting like you don't know what I mean!" He lowers his voice to a whisper. "We can go around having people suspecting us." I snort.

               "Oh yeah, throwing customers out of the bar is in no way suspicious with a bunch of people who look like they've been through hell come running through the town." Barret glared at me in silent contempt. I glared back. Barret sidestepped to allow me through. Now I can finally get my Gil and book-it out of here. I pushed open the door and a warm blast welcomed me. I could smell food cooking and hear Biggs laugh. Along the right wall there was a jukebox playing some unknown tune and an old, dusty pinball machine. A few square tables dotted the inside in front of the large bar area.  If I weren't so hell bent on trying to get out of here, this place would actually be pretty nice.

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