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I always shared my stories amongst my peers, but this is my first time writing in front of a virtual audience. I am dedicated to making this story rock solid, so some feedback would be greatly appreciated. 

This is a mature story with heavy themes and will get more dark and twisted as it goes on. I'm purposely keeping this warning vague to avoid spoilers, and I will not give out another one. Otherwise, I hope y'all stick with me to the end, because I'm dying to go on this journey. 


Backed into a corner,

Out of options.

Nowhere to go,

But to face my foe.

For he left me naked,

My spirit and dignity forsaken. 

All I've ever known was fear 

My life full of smears. 

My body knows nothing but pain,

Brought me down to the point of being insane.

I've been deprived of love,

Now toxicity is circulating in me like blood. 

Tricked into shutting off the light to my soul,

My heart now a burning hot coal.

About to burst inside my chest,

Igniting my toxic blood through my body full of accumulated sins. 

My skin is melting away, 

Revealing an abomination who's morals are swayed. 

Ready to reek havoc on my foe,

Who has nowhere to go. 

My enemy still thinks he can control me,

like a puppet with strings. 

Little does he know that I've burned those strings, 

And I'm ready to face the music in the ring,

For I'm ready to reveal my true self. 

My sanity has come undone,

I am too far gone. 

These fiery hands, 

About to commit a heinous act, 

Which will define who I am. 

Till the end of time. 

There's Something Wrong With Charlie BaxterWhere stories live. Discover now