Chapter 4 - Neon Horse

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Jailene knew he would be there. She knew Greyson needed to talk to him. She also knew that tonight would change everything - throw them all into a whole new ballgame. It was just an instinct, a feeling in her gut. And it both excited and frightened her.

Jailene had asked her older sister to give her a ride to the Neon Horse. Somehow she didn't trust herself not to stumble into some bad juju. Though she probably was doing just that by going in the first place- and dragging Greyson along. She wasn't sure how Eliot would take her bringing Greyson. Besides, Arlese may have been the clumsy one, but Jailene had always had a knack for getting herself into bad situations. Like the Beckham Museum burning. A perfect example.

Naturally, her sister Rachel had been skeptical.

"You really want me to take you to the Neon Horse?"

Jailene had looked at her seriously. "Yeah. I do."

Jailene hadn't been to the hang out since Arly's death. Rachel knew she'd been avoiding the place because of painful memories, but Jailene was forcing herself to get over it. It'd been 5 months. She was bound to have gone back at some point anyways.

And so, the two girls found themselves driving down a city street later that very night. Rachel kept prying for answers, but Jailene waved her questions off with a sly smile, telling her she was going on a date.

"Well, don't stay out too late, 'kay? Oh, I can't wait to see the look on pops face when I tell him his wittle baby girl is on a date tonight." Rachel laughed as she turned down another street.

It was already dark outside, the sky a cloudy purplish-black. Street lights were flickering on, shedding orange-yellow light on Rachel's silver van as it drove under the lamps. They'd passed through the busier side of the city, and were now driving alongside the Boudaie River, heading straight for Hyde Ridge.

"Soooooo." Rachel continued in Jailene's silence. "Who's the guy? Someone I know?"

Jailene had been resting her head against the door, but now she turned to glance at her older sister. Rachel was a senior, and, to give you an idea of what she was like, had been crowned prom queen that very year. Much like Greyson, people loved her sister. Rachel's auburn hair was loose around her shoulders, and framed a lovely face. Jailene would be lying to say she didn't envy her sister. Many people did.

"Oh, uh..." Jailene gave a wry smile as she glanced out her window towards the glittering river. Her reflection smiled back at her. "You probably won't believe me if I tell you."

Rachel cocked an eyebrow, her eyes focused on the street. "Oh? So it is someone I know?"

Jailene studied her reflection. She'd pulled her brown hair, streaked with bright red highlights, back into a makeshift bun, curled strands already falling down the nape of her neck and framing her face. Her sharp nose was dotted with freckles, and her brown eyes looked almost black in the nighttime. She'd decided on wearing cherry-red tights, a white tee, and a loose black sweatshirt, Three Days Grace band logo printed on the front.

"Don't I get a drumroll?" She teased.

Rachel snorted, but obliged. She pulled up at a red light, then tapped the wheel rapidly, giving it one last satisfying bang and then looking to Jailene.

"Greyson Quinn!" Jailene anounced.

Rachel froze. "Greyson?"

Her lips curled down into a disapproving frown, turning back to the wheel as the light blinked to green. She said in a dry tone, "You're hilarious. Seriously, Jai, who is it?"

Jailene sucked in a breath. "No, seriously, Rach, I'm going out with Greyson. He, uh...he asked me out today. Nothing serious, just a dinner date at the Neon Horse."

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