chapter one

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I stumbled around with my three large suitcases, trying to find the bus for crew. I had tried asking several people who walked by, but none of them would spare me the time of day.


I only caught one person's attention when I practically fell over and dropped one of my bags.

"Woah, easy!" The stranger laughed, picking up my bag. "Would you like some help, miss?"

"Y-Yeah," I blew out a puff of air to blow a loose strand of hair our of my line of vision. "Thanks."

"Welcome," He smiled, "I'm James. You must be the new girl in crew, I've never seen you before."

"Yeah," I smiled weakly, "That'd be me."

"Nerous?" He chuckled, leading me towards a blue, unmarked bus.

"A tad," I sighed.

"Don't worry. We may be party animals, but we're not all dicks," James winked.

"Wait, so does that mean you're in the band?" I rose an eyebrow.

"It does," He nodded. "James Cassells, drummer, at your service." He did a small bow and I giggled. "And that would make you..?"

"Oh, right. I'm Channing. Channing Dawsen." I outstretched my hand for him to shake. He did so, with a firm grip.

"Well, Channing Dawsen, it is my pleasure to inform you that you'll be on the same bus as me. As well as our lead guitarist, Ben."

"Awesome, good to know at least one person," I sighed in relief.

"Stop worrying so much, Channing Dawsen. You'll make friends in no time," He winked again, throwing an arm around my shoulder. "Alright, this is us!" He swung the blue bus' door open, and we were instantly greeted by a swarm of people. "Lads, meet Channing Dawsen! Channing, meet.. Lads!" James laughed. "That there is Ben, who I told you about earlier." An attractive guy with colorful tattoos, two lip rings, and curly hair nodded and smiled at me, which I returned with a small wave and a smile. "This here is Cameron, our rhythm guitarist." Cameron smiled awkwardly, waving. I gave him the same greeting as Ben. "And this one is Mr. Sam Bettley, the bassist." Same grinned and said hi. I giggled, saying it back. "And last but not least, Dan- Oh, Christ. Where the fuck is Danny?"

"I think he went out for a smoke. And by smoke, I mean prowling for females," Sam snickered.

"Sounds like him." James shook his head, turning to face me. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait to meet our frontman. He's busy preying on chicks with big tits." 

I laughed, shrugging my shoulders. "I feel that."

The guys all froze, looking back and forth between me and each other.

"Wait... So are you-"

"I'm bisexual. I like chicks, and dicks. Much wider variety," I shrugged again.

"That's actually really-"



"Hella rad."

"I was going to say awesome," Ben rolled his eyes, "But those work, too, I guess."

"Thanks," I grinned. "Now, can someone please tell me where to put these down?" I gestured to my bags. James lead me into the bunk area, where I was informed that my bunk would be right above his and just under Ben's. A few other members of crew would be bunking with us, who I would be meeting soon. 

"Hopefully," Ben rolled his eyes, "you'll get to meet Dan-"

"HASHTAG BOATS&HOES!" Someone shouted obnoxiously as they bus door slammed behind them.

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