chapter three

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so this ^ is a picture of how i visualize channing :)) hope you enjoy the chapter!


We all decided to go out for pancakes once we'd showered and gotten over the headache stage. Everyone, besides James, Danny and I that is, was being awkward. Sam and Cameron kept looking at each other, then me, then James. Ben hadn't even touched his food, too busy scrolling through his phone and shuting off the world once again. Danny on the other hand was happily scarfing down his pancakes like they were about to jump up and run away from him.

I was about to ask what the other three's deal was when my phone buzzed.

From: James

J: what's the deal w everyone else lmao

J: I mean besides danny bc hes got food so we know he's as fat and happy as ever

I stifled a laugh, glancing up at James, who was already smirking at me. He was sitting in between Danny and Cameron, and Danny was across from me. He threw me a sly wink before taking another bite of food.

To: James

C: I don't know about Cam and Sam, but I think Ben might be on his period. you kow how fragile teenage girls can be during that time ://

From: James

J: truest shit I've heard all day ;) think we should ask them about it?

To: James

C: about Ben's period..?

From: James

J: no, dork. why they're all acting so off

I didn't bother responding, I just looked up and nodded at him.

"Everyone sleep well?" I asked, deciding to start things off casually.

"I slept like a log," Cameron smiled.

"I don't remember even sleeping," Sam shrugged.

"I spent the night in the bathroom. You finish the puzzle."

"I don't need your attitude, Daniel." I rolled my eyes, sipping my coffee. "How about you, Ben?" I looked to the curly haired guitarist hoping to get some sort of emotional reaction. He didn't even look up at me. "Benny? Benjamin?" Sam snapped his fingers in front of Ben's face, finally stirring him out of his daze.

"Hm, what?"

"How'd ya sleep?" I smiled.

"Alright," He shrugged. "I've gotta piss."

And with that, he was off.

"So, how'd you sleep, Channing Dawsen?" Danny smirked at me.

"On a counter. My back's killing me," I groaned, running a hand through my hair.

"I meant with James."


"Excuse me..?" I rose an eyebrow, not sure if I'd heard him correctly.

"I mean was he good in the sack or-"

"Seriously mate?" James scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"What? It was kind of obvious," Danny snickered.

what a DICK, I thought, w8 can ppl normally think in caps??? ??

"How so?" I leaned back in my seat, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow.

"Well, first you two snuck off together. That no one thought much of. But then you came back wearing his clothes, and-"

"I did not have sex with her!" James defended.

" 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman,'." Sam mocked with a poor southern accent.

"Really? Clinton jokes?" I snorted. He grinned and shrugged.

"We should be going soon," James sighed in irritation, trying to change the subject. I could understand why he was upset: it was clear the rest of the crew believed we fucked. Which we didn't, but Danny decided to be a dick and plant that idea into their heads.

Which got me pissed at him once again.

"I'll go grab Ben." Sam stood, putting on his leather jacket and making his way to the bathrooms. The rest of filed out the door and into the van, where Kyle Borman, another sound tech, was waiting. He offered me a cigarette, which I accepted. The entire car ride back to the buses was awkward. Ben just sat with his headphones in, staring out the window with a hard expression. The only time we could ever get him to lighten up or crack a smile was when he was drinking or high. It was ridiculous.

Danny was the only one not acting off, humming show tunes and scrolling through his Twitter feed on his phone.

"Channing... Chaaaannnniiing... Channing Dawsen... Are you mad? Why are you mad?" He poked my side.

"Cause you're a dick," I snorted.

James and Cameron stifled laughs, whereas Sam and Kyle were engaged in a conversation about the weather.

He mumbled something under his breath, and all I caught was "fuck."

Me too, buddy.

When we arrived at the bus for crew/Ben and James, I stomped inside and decided a shower would help me feel better. So I showered, changing into jean shorts and a cream colored v-neck. I paired that with a floral shawl and some ankle boots. I also wore my dream catcher necklace that my friend from home gave me, and I decided that I should give her a call and check in. I missed my friends, Gracie especially.

"YO, Hippie Emo! How's tour life?" She answered.

"Shit's good, Red Emo. I'm hungover as fuuuuuck," I groaned.

"What'd you expect? You're partying with rockstars," She giggled.

The guys were all looking at me strange, like I was speaking a foreign language.

"Right, true. You need to come see me," I pouted.

"More like you need to come home!" She snorted.

"Get rekt. I gotta go now, bye super stupid fucking bitch."

And then I hung up.

"Who was that?" Ben asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Best friend. I'm gonna go take a nap." I got up, shooting Danny one last glare before climbing into my bunk and sleeping the rest of the day away.


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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