The Council of Elrond

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Amara woke the next morning with Legolas' arm wrapped around her, their legs tangled together and her back pressed firmly against his chest. She rolled over onto her back and smiled as Legolas' grumbled an unintelligible objection and proceeded to bury his head into her neck. She laughed and threaded her fingers through the cascade of blond that fell around him.

"Can we not stay in bed all day?" He asked his voice still heavy with sleep.

"The council is due to take place today, so no." She smiled down at him.

Amara rolled onto her side so she was facing him. She moved her hand to the side of his face. She moved forwards and pressed her lips gently against his. He moved against her eagerly, nipping her bottom lip as she moved back. She rested her forehead on his as his eyes fluttered open to reveal his brilliant blue irises. His hand travelled to her bare hip and stomach and he absentmindedly ran his fingers over the scar there. The scar that Bolg had caused sixty years prior with one of her own long knives.

"Gi melin. (I love you.)" Legolas whispered.

"Illumë. (Always.)" Amara whispered back.

Eventually, the pair were able to make their way out of bed. They both quickly pulled on formal attire and set off in two separate directions; Amara to find her father and Legolas to find his travelling companions.

It did not take long to find the people both of them were looking for and soon they found themselves sat in the main courtyard in a sort of half circle. Elrond sat at the head flanked by two of his advisers, with Frodo at the start of the half circle to his left. Next to Frodo was Gandalf who found himself sat next to Amara, followed by Legolas and the elves of Mirkwood. The dwarves from Erebor came next, Gloin and his son Gimli along with two others, the elves did not seem to happy to find themselves next to the dwarves. The men from Gondor followed, with several Rivendell elves and then Aragorn on Elrond's right. Once everyone was settled, Elrond stood to address them all.

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old, you have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall."

Glances were thrown around the circle, each race looking for old alliances or even older enemies. Amara was shocked at how accurate her vision had been. Usually certain details would be different. When she had seen Thorin's funeral, Bard had been the one to place the Arkenstone on his chest, in reality it had been the dwarves. Little details tended to change but up until this point it was all the same, other than the fact that the ring was still in Frodo's possession; yet to be placed on the pedestal in front of her father.

"Each race is bound to this one fate, this one doom." Elrond too was glancing from race to race, gauging the lasting alliances and equally lasting animosity. "Bring forth the ring, Frodo." Elrond gestured towards the pedestal. As Frodo walked up, Amara's hand found Legolas'. Frodo placed it in the centre and a chorus of whispers erupted.

"So, it is true." Boromir's voice seemed to rise above the others.

Frodo seemed to heave a sigh of relief as Aragorn kept glancing at Boromir and Legolas' blue eyes became transfixed on the ring. All eyes suddenly turned to Boromir as he rose from his seat.

"In a dream, I saw the eastern sky grow dark, but in the west, a pale light lingered. A voice was crying: 'your doom is near at hand. Isildur's bane is found.'" Boromir was moving ever closer to the ring and both Amara and Aragorn prepared to intervene as Gandalf and Elrond shared a glance. "Isildur's bane." He reached out his hand.

"Boromir!" Elrond yelled as he stood.

"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimbatul. (One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.)" As Gandalf recited the rings inscription in its actual tongue, the air grew heavier and darkness settled over Rivendell. Both Amara and Elrond gasped in pain and held their heads as the eye that plagued their foresight reappeared. Legolas gripped Amara's arm to keep her upright as Elrond's grip tightened on the arm of his chair. Boromir stumbled backwards until he was once again seated. As Gandalf finished the light returned and Amara and Elrond gathered themselves.

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