I should be dead..

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.Kiyotakas POV.
What the fork!
You can say fuck you know.
I do not use such foul language! Ishida never seemed to stop talking. Ever since he arrived he would talk and talk and talk. I can keep a decent grip on him as long as my emotions aren't high but that doesn't happen very often. He's only ever gotten control once of twice even then I was able to rein him back in. He's like the opposite version of me. The flip side of the moral compass so to speak. Anyways back to the point. Where am I? I look around to see nothing but computer monitors and a book. I stand up,my legs nearly go from beneath me. I wobble my way over to the book. Rules for mastermind?
What the fuc..
Ugh! Now what I was trying to say was what the heck is the mastermind?
I'm not sure but going by context I think we are...

"Ding ding ding! You're bang on the money kid!" Next thing monokuma jumps out from no where like he always does.

Wait,are you trying to claim I am..m..m the one behind this! I studdered at such an accusation. "No." He said calmly "I'm just you would make a good one." "Why would that be!" I sputtered. "I know about him."

Word count:230
Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger but I will try to update as soon as possible! Hope you have enjoyed it so far!   

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