part 2

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Im sorry if there's some mistake

As luffy and dragon got to the island they can see garp was there waiting for them

When garp saw the he walk up to them and said "ohh you must me luffya im garp your grandpa call me grandpa "

As luffy heard that he said luffya he sudden said "dont call me that its too girly call me luffy"

Garp laugh and luffy was annoyed

Then garp said she will be leaving with this town for a while and garp will visit any time he gets

Then dragon said she will stay here for a while which luffy nob and dragon said "im out now luffy be safe"

Its been a week since luffy was there her graps was there for 2 days and the leave saying e will be back soon

The the red heir pirate's came into the town and became friends with luffy

Luffy"my punch was like a pistol"
Shanks"yeah sure" he then tease and tease luffy ,luffy said she was strong but shanks just laughed

Then luffy challenged shanks to a sword fight
Luffy "hey shanks i hear you are a great swordsman lets duel if i will you will teach me your tricks"
Shanks "as if you can will ahhahahahahahha"
Luffy "i can win i traind so hard i wont lose like how i lose to dad but still i will win"
Shanks"yeah right"

Then they go to shanks ships he was finding his sword the luffy came and said he has his sword and he was ready

Shanks"wait i will gust find my sword quickly i think i put it somewhere here"

Then shanks finally have his sword luffy the hold his sword then shanks notice his sword his eyes widened as he saw it

Shanks"hey luffy where did you get that sword it dangerous you know"
Luffy"i pick it when my dad train me how to me a swordwomen yeahh"
Shanks"its a good but crust sword you know"

The duel goes on (i dont really know how to write a fighting seen soo yeah)

But then luffy won everyone was shocked

Luffy"yey i won know shanks gets to teach me some coll moves"

Luffy celebrated

A month past shanks was know about to leave then luffy said he will missed him and his crew so on and on but luffy doesn't know what to become if he wants to be a pirate or not

(So this is it for now yeahh lol)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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