Facts On Our Drummer!

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Taken from "Comfort and Care" Yesterdays Moments QFC

What was Roger like to look after, did he get in trouble and did he really have drumsticks with his name printed on them?

He was pretty easy to look after, he would have the odd tantrum, but don't we all at sometime or another. We were very matey so we had a great rapport with each other, which meant that if something needed doing we just sat around and talked it over. Simple really. During the show we could almost lip read each other, and we had little hand and head signals which meant we could relay messages to each other very easy and quickly. So, for instance, if he wanted Brian's guitar turned up in his monitors, a couple of quick coded nods and Hey Presto, job done and we're all happy. He never got in any trouble, but the pair of us got up to a lot of mischief. Baring the Monaco incident we never had an encounter with the police and neither of us ever threw a punch at anyone else. Although during the recording of Fun In Space I'm sure he wanted to belt me when I blew him up with various exploding cigarettes, matches, lighters and pepper flavoured chewing gum. We just had a good time really. Yes he did have his name on his sticks. Some guitarists have their names on their plectrums. He had his name on his sticks and his face on the bass drum, just in case he ever got amnesia he would know who he was

Taken from "It ain't much I'm asking" - Yesterdays Moments QFC

Roger would have some sticks in the dressing room and would bash chairs and tables, and sometimes my head, so his hands were flexible. When they were dressed and ready to go on, Roger and Freddie would screech. They didn't have a song to loosen their vocal chords, they would just screech these high pitched noises. I can assure you it didn't sound very musical to me. If a stick broke Roger would just change sticks, he had about a dozen hanging on his floor tom-tom. If the bass drum pedal broke I would grab a new one and dive on to the riser, lying face down between his stool and the floor toms. Most of the time he will have moved his foot as much as possible, but if he hadn't I would tap his ankle so he knew I was there and he would move his foot so the offending pedal could be swapped.

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