Chapter 3: The Field Trip

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~★★Far's POV★★~

"Hello class. Today I have a special announcement" Said Watari, our teacher.

"We are going to a feild trip today. Basically the backyard where the hill is. Can you guess where we are going?"He said grinning.

The snob Misa Amane also know as Linda raised her hand and said "I already know and we are going sledding" She said giggling.

That Bitch Amame.

~★★Near's POV★★~
Sledding huh? Sounds fun.

I raised my hand to speak and Watari called on me.

"So we are going to the backyard correct?"I said.

"Yes Near" Watari replied.

~★★Far's POV★★~

"Im really going to regreat this" said Far on the sled.

She had no idea how to but wanted to learn herself.

I felt herself getting pushed and when she looked back it was Near.

"Bitch" I said.

"I know" he replied with a smirk which strangly made him look cuter.

I went off and the sled was spinning around and around before I got a good grip. Trying to straighten out,I tipped, my legs went up into the air, and I almost somersaulted. I spun my feet forward and got my bottem in place just in time to hit the bump, fly up and land qith a thud. Bounce- at least I was going forward. The speed toke my breath away. The cold air made my eyes water, stung my cheeks and whistled in my ears. At last I hit the snowbank and jerked graclessly to a stop.

I was shaky jogging up with the sled. At the top I handed it to the next person.

"Pretty wild ride" Near said, as they walked to the end of the line. "How was it?"

"I loved it" I was amazed at those words."And next time, let me give you a real good push"

~★★Near's POV★★~

I gradded her hand and kissed her. I dont know what I was thinking so I pulled away.

"S-sorry I dont know what I was thinking" then I relised she didnt pull away. I looked at her and she was blushing. I think I was too. This friendship was gonna be awkward. Im so Stupied.
I bet you were waiting XD.
Well my writers block was cured since I saw someone read this thing and I was really happy inside.
Now im getting all emotional.
Anyways vote share and comment if you can. Not expecting it though :).

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