Chapter 1

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Jordan's pov.
Hey look at that.. A new school, a higher grade.... And more people to point out my flaws...

You see.. I'm that person who has a rough life.. I had a family member die.. And my mom quit her job for putting to much pressure onto her.. My dad is working to hard.. My little brother is sick.... I haven't seen my Nana in three years... I'm a stupid Bacca and I get in people's way... And we are low on food and we have a really small old house....

What more could I do other than smack a fake smile on my face and find some friends?

I probably won't find any...

No one likes me...

No.. One..

((Hey guys! This story is based on my life and yes.. In this story.. I have a black nose, fangs, long furry ears, and a fluffy tail. But other then that, I am human!))

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