taylor's brain misfires

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"Taylor you have got to be joking. Who names their first child Filipina?"

"Who names their child Dorothy?"

"Shut up."

Taylor was walking down the street, baby toys filling the bag in her left hand and her phone in occupying the space in her right.

"I'm just so stressed. Statistically there is less than 1% chance of dying in childbirth, but last week I found this lump on my shoulder and -"

"Okay, stop. You'll be fine. And if you do die, I'll raise my godchild to be a hypochondriac, just like her extremely paranoid mother."

"Ha ha. But did you know that -"

Her words were cut off as she felt pressure pushing against her stomach. The pressure soon turned into excruciating pain. She drops her phone and lets out a scream that could rival a banshee. The last thing she sees is dark brown eyes filled with surprise and a voice calling out her name before her world ends.

*Flashback Over*

"Your WIFE!" Taylor's voice had suddenly returned to her fully. "I c-c-can't be your wife?! There must be some mistake."

Hunter's eyes became clouded, "what's the last thing you remember?"

"I was walking home and suddenly everything went dark." Taylor abruptly sits up as a new memory enters her mind.

"Where's my baby?!" She looks down to her flat stomach and begins to panic. "What happened? Where is she? Answer ME!"

"Calm down, your baby is fine," Hunter attempts to placate her, putting his hands in the air. "I'll ask the nurses to bring him to you." He then leaves the room.

Taylor slumps in her bed and allows herself to cry. What had happened? Suddenly something registers in her mind. Him?

Before her mind could wander any further Hunter re-entered to room, carrying a bundle in his arms. Taylor reached blindly and felt immense relief when the baby was in her arms. She looked down into the baby's eyes and saw stunning green reflected back into her own brown orbs.

She was so encaptured by looking at her first child that she didn't think about the fact that neither her nor the father possessed green eyes.


Taylor had spent twenty wondrous minutes with her child before he was ripped from her arms, Hunter leaving with him.

"He?" Taylor questioned. "I thought I was having a girl."

"It happens sometimes, more frequently than one would think," said a doctor who's name would later haunt Taylor's dreams, Angusto.

"Oh... but we never learnt about that in medical school," Taylor replied haughtily.

Angusto's eyes narrowed, "it's a new development."

"Since when?"

"About a year ago."

"I was in medical school a year ago, I should know."

The doctor's next sentence wavers and he falls silent. "Taylor," he starts slowly. "How long do you think it's been?"

Taylor opened her mouth to respond but a nurse burst into the room.

"Doctor Angusto, a woman has just been brought in who has appeared to have drunk cyanide. We need you in the ICU."

Angusto sighed, "sorry to cut this short Taylor, I'll check on your progress later."

"Wait- " Taylor tried, but he was gone. The only thing left in the room was Taylor and her swirling thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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