||•Chapter 21•𝘏𝘰𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 •1||

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Few Weeks Later - Because it took a long time for the doctors to figure out every injury.


People expected Yibo to recover quickly. In a few days or so. But when Doctors examined properly, it seems his injuries are more serious than expected. Yibo didn't wake up either.

On hearing that, Zhan was prepared to kill himself, but then the doctor told him to continue talking to him because talking to people in Coma initiates their brain to work and recognise voices, making them recover and wake up faster.

After hearing that, Zhan spent every second with Yibo. He barely ate but he always cleaned himself so as to not give Yibo any uncomfortable moments.

He also cleaned and took care of Yibo as best as he can. Zhan left his work and as a good brother, Zhuocheng managed it all well. There wasn't a time where Zhan wouldn't protect Yibo.

Right now, Haikuan, Doctor Haiqiao and Doctor Zoey were all sitting in the Head Doctor's room, trying to figure out what exactly happened.

"What is happening to him, Doctor... W-Will he be alright..?"

Haikuan, the always gentle, ever present Haikuan. He always looks so put together in front of people, but he was one of the most messed up people at the moment.

His precious cousin has been in Coma for so many weeks. The Doctor just sighs.

"Listen, you need to understand what exactly happened. As Doctors, I expect Mr Haiqiao and Mrs Meng to understand, so Haikuan, please listen."

The man pulls out a file.

"This man... he's not normal is he?"

Zoey and Haiqiao avoid eye contact but Haikuan answers right away.

"Yes. He is pregnant."

"Hm. Which is why the chances are that he won't make it. See, it's not just Yibo, he has a child inside him too. If he goes, so will the child."

"D-Doctor, please t-tell me...", Haikuan also begins to tear up a little.

"Alright. So. Xiao Yibo currently has Severe TBI. Or more specifically known as Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. The truck that he drove into was a Mitachi 62, one of the biggest trucks in business.
The impact between him and the frontal area of that truck was crazy - It even reverberated to his brain tissues! It was a violent blow.."

The Doctor pulls out a few more papers."

"Not only that, he also has a lot of bone injuries... Good thing is, those ones will heal..." If he survives, the doctor thought.

"W-Will he... be alright...?", Haikuan asks with hope. The doctor sighs and drops his chin shaking slowly.

"He has a low chance of survival... I can't tell.."

Haikuan tries to cover his tears, but fails. Haiqiao puts a hand at his shoulder.

"We have to tell the others..", Haiqiao speaks.

The group walks outside to where the Members were waiting. Haikuan walks into the room and ushers the boys aside to speak.

"Listen... I talked to the head doctor... Yibo... Yibo might not m-make it...."

The members freeze and Seungyoun immediately starts crying. The doctor comes along.

"I'm sorry, but let me rephrase that more accurately... It's not that there's a high chance Yibo won't make it, it's that there's a low chance that he will.."

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