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Apart from me wants to go back in time and change everything, perhaps then I would not feel so trapped into a life I do not want, around those I cannot trust while having to lay with a man who rather have me dead than sleep next to him, the thought of escaping is very appealing to me. Letting my sister be roped into it instead of me, it is not as though she is opposed to it.

           I have even insisted to Father on us switching places many times, but I am always told the same answer no.I think because Father worries that Anna will ruin everything that he is not willing to take the chance on her, messing up any more than she has, although I am.

          As of now, it seems like running is my only option for happiness, but I cannot bring myself to do so without thinking how selfish it would be for me to choose my happiness over my kingdom.My people deserve the life that this marriage will give them, one where they do not have to worry or live in fear that it will all be taken away, where they can live without targets on their backs, a life without war and bloodshed. Though I do not want this marriage, I cannot stand in the way of the benefits it brings.I am willing to make this sacrifice for them, although I rather be burnt at the stake.

           You can say I am being overly dramatic, but I have tried making the best out of this situation.Any time we are together, I have been on my best behavior (despite the hatred he has toward me.)I know that we will never fall in love, but we can be at least friends who care for each other.My hopes weaken every time we meet.As soon as, I step into a room with him, I can see his eyes darken with disgust.I know that our people do not have the best history, honestly, no one truly cares for my people. 

We are... not the most popular creatures among our worlds.

           However, the war between Witches and Lycanthropes was something else it has never been explained as to why but hate between us has been happening for the centuries long history of murders, assassinations, kidnappings, attacks, revenge, and war. 

          There have been many stories as to but why all pointing the finger at witches, now we are willing to put the past behind us, the two kingdoms will unite by having the future Queen of Phoenicia and the future King of wed, also allowing Witches and Warlocks to rejoin the council after being exiled.

         I am snap out of my thoughts when I hear a knock on my door.I stand up from my windowsill placing my hands in front of my stomach before saying "Come in."The black oak door swings open with a creaking noise to reveal Father's large frame,  I frown at his appearance. He looks even more stressed than he did at breakfast.

           His dark smooth cocoa skin is ashy, his hazel eyes that we both share are dull from the light they once had but I cannot tell if it's from the wedding or Mother, his large broad shoulders are hunched over, and his thick black, kinky curly beard with bits of gray untamed, making him look wild."Father?'I say, but it comes out as if it is a question.

           "Nikki, there has been a change in today's plans."He says bringing his hand to the head to rub his forehead.I tilt my head to the side out of curiosity."What do you mean?""The Wulfhavens are arriving within the hour along with the council."

          What?They are not supposed to be here for another two days.I do not want to see more of them than I must, especially him.However, I keep these thoughts to myself not wanting to make Father anymore stressed."We will greet them as soon as they arrive, then you and Caspian will meet the council to go over the wedding, then dinner will be held where we will introduce both sides of the families." 

          I wrinkle my forehead as I try to understand why we must go over my wedding again, but it must be important if the council wants to meet with us both about it, I groan internally, knowing that I will be trapped in a room with him once again."Nikki!"

           I jump a little at the sound of my Father's voice."Sorry, Father I was lost in my thoughts."Bowing my head to him, I can hear his large feet slap down on the dark wood floors, I can feel his large shadow swallow me but I do not look until I feel his rough fingers touching my chin lifting my head up to meet his eyes."I know this is hard.I do not want you marrying that mutt either. . .""Then why am I?" I ask interrupting him."Nikki, we are not doing this again."He says firmly.I sigh and start to turn away from him, but Father grabs a hold of my arms keeping me facing him.

          "I am sorry but it needs to be this way. Promise me you'll be on your best behavior tonight" rolling my eyes I say."I am always on my best behavior Father you should be telling Anna that."He chuckles a little while shaking his head. 

          "I do not know what I am going to do with that child once you are gone."I shrug giving him a sad smile, he does the same before kissing me on the top of my forehead."You must get ready they will be here shortly.I will send Nadia in to help you" He says as he is leaving the room.I stand there not knowing what to do with myself.This is happening way too fast for my liking.

          I plop down back on the windowsill letting my head fall back against the stain glass window. Think of many different ways tonight could end in a disaster. A few moments go by before I am interrupted again this time by Nadia barging into the room, out of breath her golden locks falling hectically around, her puffy pale face while her emerald eyes panic and frantic before narrowing them at me."Why are you not getting ready?We have less than an hour before they arrive."She rushes over to me, grabbing me by my arms, pushing me into the bathroom.


"And done," Nadia says resting her small hands on my sides, then turning me toward the mirror."You look, beautiful my dear."I smile at her as I look at my reflection.

          I run my hand along one of the long sleeves of the dress that the resting off my shoulders tracing the thin white flower detail down to my chest, (where I feel as though I am about to pop over) then the down sides of black fabric, fallowing as it hugs the thick curves of my waist, stopping at the belt that has the same white flowers as the top, that runs down the front of the dress, then I studies my feature starting with my black curly, coily hair as the top is pulled back from my face, showing my almond-shaped hazel eyes while the rest of my hair flows down, around my cheeks. "What do you think?" I turn to the petite woman leaning down to hug her. 

         "Thank you, Nadia, you have outdone yourself."She laughs before saying."You have not seen the best of it yet!Wait until the wedding you are going to look even more stunning than you do now."I smile at her excitement trying to pretend that I feel the same way.My dismay must have shown through because I can see Nadia's excitement drain from her face and replace with a look of concern.My dismay must have shown through because I can see Nadia's excitement drain from her face and replace with a look of concern.

      "Nikki, what's wrong?" She places her hand on my cheek, but I remain silent unable to find the right words. She sighs. "I know this is... a unique predicament, but sometimes the most unique things can lead to something wonderful." She gives me a small smile. "Now, I have going to see if the Wulfhavens have arrived yet." She rushes out of the room leaving her words replay in my head, there might be some truth to them, however, I do not have much hope in them. See, our marriage is not where my main concern lies.

It is with our people.

I mean, years of turmoil are not going to be washed away, because of a simple marriage, and it delusional to believe that a century of hatred is going to magically go become peaceful. Nadia returns telling me it is time before rushing out again (I swear that woman is always in a hurry.) I prepare myself for tonight, a part of me hoping that Caspian is at least willing to play nice for once.


Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed! The story next chapter will be up soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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