Spilled Beans

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It was a normal, uneventful day for me (or so I thought).
I was living my normal life as a responsible citizen. I work full-time in a little café that I own and part-time doing odd jobs here and there. The best part about my main job is that I get to see a lot of famous people whenever I am asked to bring a coffee truck at certain places especially filming sets. I'm not obsessed with artists but it is really rewarding to see famous people you thought you'd only see inside your television. Sometimes they are friendly enough to talk to me and some would just take a picture and say their thanks. Still, whenever they post it on their social media, it's like free promotion for me. Everything was normal, until this fateful day.

I was sent to bring a coffee truck to the set of the drama 'DoDoSolSolLaLaSol'. I was looking forward to meeting Go Ara even though the truck I'm bringing is actually for her lead actor, Lee Jaewook. I arrived at the place a bit earlier than the time they requested so I started preparing and organizing a bit in the truck. I put my earphones on with some ballad music playing. I was so absorbed in what I was doing and when I turned around I was startled to see a face staring up at me from outside the truck. My hands instinctively jerked the cup towards the person in front of me. Before I realized it, he was already soaked latte. We were both frozen in our places and I could feel my face heating up out of embarrassment. After a few moments of silence, he started coughing out some of the coffee that went in through his nose. I ran outside the truck with a piece of cloth in my hand and wiped him all over.

"I'm so sorry!" I repeated these words again and again as I try to dry him up while just stood still with his eyes firmly shut.

After I successfully wiped all the coffee off his face, he slowly opened his eyes and I realized who this person was. I felt myself slowly losing consciousness and don't remember anything that happened after that.


I open my eyes slowly, squinting at the light directly in my eyes. I was a little dizzy still but I tried to sit up. I look around me but I don't recognize where I am. I looked like a dressing room you see in television shows though. Just then, the door suddenly started opening. I recognized the person who came in right away. He looked at me and closed the door behind him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

I quickly stood up which made my head swirl a little. Then a gave a bow and repeatedly apologized again for what happened.

"I am honestly, terribly sorry for what happened earlier. I will pay for the dry cleaning of your clothes and any other damages to your face!" These words just kept flowing out of my mouth without even actually knowing what I'm even saying.

He then blurted out laughing. I took a peek to check if it was a sarcastic laugh. He was almost in tears laughing for a good minute. I was a little confused as to why he was laughing, though.

He wiped his teary eyes and said, "Damages to my face? That's a good one. You're lucky though, it wasn't hot or there would've really been some damages."

He walked up to me and handed me the bottle of water he was holding in his hands. I bowed as thanks. "Sit down." He said as he sat down on the chair across from mine.

I took a seat and tried to open the bottle and realized that it has already been loosened.

"Do you remember why you're here?" He asked.

I shook my head and asked, "Where is 'here' anyway?"

To which he responded, "This is my dressing room."

I am inside Lee Jaewook's dressing room! My jaw dropped as my memory replays my fainting episode in my head and then remembered the coffee truck.

"The coffee truck...!" And before I could finish of my sentence he cut me off.

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