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"Careful!" Kol yelled as I climbed down the stairs on my own, I wondered how long he would be overprotective since it had been a few days after the fight I had with the men who tried to kidnap me. "Babe I can't stay in bed anymore, the nurse said I need to work on my cardio before she left yesterday." I argued which really didn't work.

"I know I was there when he said it but it doesn't make me feel any better, you might be perfectly fine thanks to how strong you are but I'm still worried, I saw the CCTV footage of your fight in the parking lot, though you did most of the beating you still took on hits my sweet pea and I feel like you're not healed enough yet." He defended and I knew the argument would never go in my favor.

"I know and I'm sorry, I will try be more careful but my love you can't keep me locked up in here forever." I gestured to the beautiful place that was our home. "I sure as hell can, and I can tie you to the bed for a good measure." He asserted and I shivered when he growled the last part. "Understand me, Marley?" He questioned and all I could say was. "Yes Sir, absolutely."

"Good." He mumbled as we got comfortable on the couch, this was most likely our routine from morning, Kol would have breakfast in bed for me, then later we watched some random show on the tv after that we had lunch which his dad or Doc would've made since they came to visit every day, then we hung out until Kol got to dinner and I sat on the kitchen island to keep him company, it's resulted in sex on more than one occasion.

"Are you going through with the press conference today?" I asked Kol as we lazily lounged on the couch. "Yes, it needs to be done before rumors start spreading about why my ex wife was arrested." He spat out the last part as if speaking about Kat burnt his tongue.

I didn't question it, I had no reason to question it because it would only bring unnecessary friction between Kol and I, so I let it go. "Can I come, I promise I will be good." I slightly begged and Kol groaned. "Do I get a choice?"He replied and I shook my head. "Yes you can come but only if you stick to my side, and have your security with you."' He added and I nodded enthusiastically.

I needed to breathe, being cooped up in the house as good as it was I needed inspiration from nature and all the beautiful things in the world, except my boyfriend who had given me plenty of it whilst on top of me naked, his large muscular frame encasing me, those are always good times.

"If you're coming with then let's get ready." Kol announced and picked me up bridal style and we made our way to the stairs. "My strong man." I teased and the unmistakable look of lust burned in his eyes. "I've already shown you that I can find many ways to put that mouth of yours to work and also this delectable body, don't tempt me." He whispered seductively in my ear and I suddenly felt hot and bothered.

I kept my mouth shut the rest of the way to our bedroom, the equipment which had littered my side of the king size bed was now gone, it seemed I no longer needed it. "It's snowing and just because we have heated floors doesn't mean the outside isn't cold, the snow is sticking." Kol exclaimed making my excitement grow even more, I wanted to play in the snow, which I knew my boyfriend even though lenient would not allow it.

He picked out our clothes, we changed into the warm clothing and I had an extra beenie and gloves added to my outfit even though I was already toasty. "Shall we, it will only take an hour at most since my assistant already has the place made up already, we just need to show ourselves." Kol stated and I took his hand, we headed to the garage through the kitchen where it seemed my guards and his were already waiting.

Somehow I started getting cold feet about going to the conference, it made me nervous just thinking about the large crowd of people gathered there to intrude on our lives with their questions. I desperately wanted to be back home but I kept quiet since the conference was indeed needed as Mr. Tempest had warned us to do it sooner than later.

"Sweet pea are you alright?" Kol questioned and I smiled softly. "I'm okay, just a bit nervous about this whole thing." I replied and he pecked my lips. "Don't be, it will be over before you know it, just hang in there, plus I will be with you always, I will never leave your side, so it won't be that bad." I nodded feeling reassured by his words.

His stubble that I keep telling him to grow day by day was prickling my skin and I giggled at how ticklish I was every time Kol would move his head to place a kiss on my shoulder. "We're here sir." One of the guards announced and I sighed, bracing myself for whatever came.

Kol got out first and outstretched his hand for me to take, I did so with haste and clung to him not just because of the building lights that flashed all around us but because of the cold as well. We made our inside as the employees of Xalvic corp turned to look at us then turn away because of the security detail surrounding us.

"Good afternoon sir, the conference room is waiting with the selected journalists that were acceptable to interview you." His assistant announced as we got to the large space that was the conference room on the ground floor. "That's a lot of people. " I mumbled next to Kol who reassured me as he squeezed my hand which was intertwined with his.

The security detail flanked us as we sat, Mr Tempest also showed up and sat next to Kol, I was grateful he had come, he was somewhat reassuring to have around. "Let's begin." Kol's assistant stated and I heaved a breathe I didn't know I was holding. As the questions came, Kol was the one who was replying them and any directed to me were also diverted to him, I was grateful for that.

Back home I was taught to look out for anyone who was trying to blend in with a crowd, when you have someone trying to kill you it's always good to be cautious. That's when my training came into play, I could see him holding a gun, hiding it in his coat at the back of the room.

I gestured for one of the guards to come closer to me. "Lockdown the building, there is a man at the very back, he has a gun, do it discretely." I ordered and when the man got into action that's when it all happened.

In a split second, Kol was jumping out of his seat to cover me, gunshots were heard all around immersed with the screaming of men and women all around us. "Kol!" Mr. Tempest yelled, that man had aimed for me but Kol had taken the bullet for me, I had no time to sob though.

"Kol baby, look at me, it's going to be okay." I soothed looking over his torso and back for the bullet wound, I found it by his lower thigh as it was bleeding out. "Kol it's okay, you'll be fine, call an ambulance!" I yelled to the guards as I ripped my shirt and tied the piece to his upper leg, used another piece of clothing, and applied pressure to his wound.

"The ambulance is here." Mr. Tempest exclaimed and soon the paramedics were putting Kol on a stretcher. "Family only inside the ambulance." One of them barked out. "We are his family you imbecile!" I yelled forcing my way into the ambulance. "I will be right behind you." Mr. Tempest remarked and I nodded turning to Kol who was sedated.

"Will he be okay?" I asked the paramedics. "Yes he will be, thanks to your immediate response to his wound, he didn't lose that much blood, and from the looks of it, it missed any major veins but he still needs a full check and the bullet removed." He replied and I sighed in relief, I tried hard not to break down and cry as his blood-stained my hands, Kol had taken a bullet for me.



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