Chapter 22: Julio & Naomi

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Jax checked his phone one last time before tucking it securely in his back pocket. His eyes looking out the window of the ranch home. The sun is beginning to lower behind the vast hills. The colors of pink and orange painting the evening sky. He takes a deep inhale embracing the vast scenery. It truly is not what he was brought up around however it held it's own beauty. He could definitely see why Natalia loved it so much. 

Hearing foot steps come near him, he looks up to find Talia's brother, Keith. He is wearing a pair of blue jeans and a button down flannel. A black cowboy hat sitting up his head while his boots match. He gives him a nod of acknowledgement before coming to stand beside him. Both men looking out while they let their minds wander. 

"Find anything good out there boys?"

Both turn around at Natalia's voice. Jax can feel his eyes slowly following the length of her body. He bit his lip in appreciation. She was wearing a pair of fitted blue jeans with some boots. Her white top was framing her breast showing a bit of her tan toned stomach. It fell of the shoulders allowing a perfect view of her evenly sun touched skin. Her hair was down and flowing around her. His feet taking him to her on instinct. Her eyes looking into his own. He leans down giving a gentle lingering kiss to her cheek. Nat could feel the blush rise to her cheeks as she smiled at his affection. 

"You look beautiful Natalia.."

His words were soft enough for only her ears making her blush deepen. She whispered back a small thank you while turning behind her. Cass stepping out behind her wearing a black pair of jeans and tank top with a red flannel that was tied rather than being buttoned. She had a pair of black boots and a matching red bandana wrapped around her neck. Nat smirked back at her friend as she stepped forwards with her confidence. Her hair perfectly straight and this time, it was Keith's turn to step forward. 

Cass could feel her eyes assessing the cowboy practically drooling at the sight. He was a fine man... No doubt about that. But the look in his eyes made her blood pulse. His eyes were darkening as they ran up her legs to her torso before finally meeting her gaze. He reached her holding out his arm. She interlaced hers with his as Nat faked a gagging sound. Keith just turned and smirked at his sister while leading them out the door. 

Keith took Cassie to a red pick up similar to Nat's. Cass looked back to see her best friend wink at her while Jax led her to his car. She pouted for a moment but a quick peck of her lips made her smile shyly and comply. Jax climbed into the driver seat before reaching over to put his hand on Natalia's thigh. Nat felt her body heat at the contact and her hand wrapped around his arm while his thumb made small strokes on her jean pant leg. 

"You ready for a southern bar Jax?"

Jax turned to her with a smirk. Nat leaned over the console and kissed his cheek. Jax smiled chuckling while pulling out to follow the red pick up. Cassie turned back in her passenger seat to find her best friend kissing her agent's cheek. She melted at the sight. Her best friend was never one to really show affection to anyone... herself included. 

"Guess I need to get used to it?"

Cassie whipped her head to Keith who was adjusting the rearview mirror clearly seeing what she just saw. Cassie glanced back once more to find smiles on both their faces before turning around fully. 

"She seems happy"

Keith silently agreed nodding his head. His sister has never been a love sick girl before. It was cringe worthy to see her doing it now. Other than himself and their dad, the only other male that was currently around was his best friend, Julio. At one point he thought his best friend had a crush on him but it was clear Talia never saw him that way. He eventually met his wife Naomi and the rest is history. A soft touch of a hand to his forearm snapped him out of his thoughts. 

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