On The Run Ch. 11

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Louis' POV:

I was standing in front of the sink in the bathroom and looked at the mirror. I noticed a bit of hair growing around my mouth, but it wasn't much. Not sure if I should grow a beard. I'd look very fucking weird, but I'll still be handsome.

I stared at my face before turning around. Then, I quickly looked back at the mirror and snapped my fingers on both hands, and pointed at my reflection in the mirror. Hey, handsome. Still looking good, huh?

I chuckled and shook my head before walking out of the bathroom. I spotted Penny sitting on the table with her back towards me. Seeing nothing else for me to do, I headed towards her.

I sat down to her left and said, "Well, hello there, Penny."

Penny jolted a little before sighing in relief. "Hey, Louis. Please don't sneak up on me like that. I don't like it."

"Sorry," I said. "I thought I'd make an entrance. So, what are you doing?"

Penny looked at her walkman and said, "Just listening to some old music. It's nothing much. I saw some CDs over by the boombox, but most of them were Christmas music. There were a few exceptions, like this one I'm listening to by some singer named Bobby Yarbert."

I nodded in interest. "Sounds nice. You know, I can play the piano, and I'm a great singer."

Penny chuckled. "You know, Clementine and Violet get annoyed when you try to sing, so why do I not believe you?"

I shook my head and chuckled. "They just don't like my singing, but I'm pretty good. Hell, I performed in front of a crowd once back in Wellington. The audience went wild, I tell you. Honestly, it was one of the best experiences I had in my life." I sighed and looked at the table. "I wish I could do that again."

"I can't sing or play any instruments," Penny shrugged. "I know Clem can play the guitar. Is it true both Clementine and Violet can sing?"

I nodded. "They're amazing, Penny. I wasn't sitting in the audience, but James and I were in the other room, and we could hear them. They were amazing. Still are."

Penny nodded in response and said, "Do you think that maybe one day if we ever find a piano, you can teach me? I mean, I like music, but it's fucking hard to play them in this world, you know?"

"I do," I responded. "I'll tell you what; I'll make you a pro at piano, Penny. I promise you. Cross my heart." I did the gesture, causing Penny to laugh.

"You're funny," Penny smiled. For some reason, those words made us both real awkward instantly. We looked away at each other, not saying anything to the other. Wow. That was awkward. I don't even know why that happened.

I turned back to Penny to see her playing with the walkman. What caught my eye were marks on her wrists that looked familiar. What the hell? Those kinda look like... holy shit. "Um, Penny?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah, what's up?" Penny smiled.

"Uh," I dragged out for a long time until I said, "Um, not to intrude, but what happened to your wrists?"

Penny's eyes widened as she looked at her wrists and started stuttering. "Uh, we- well, uh... I- I had an accident. That's- that's all. Nothing else." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but Penny noticed and stood up. "I gotta use the restroom. Sorry."

With that, she walked towards the girls' bathroom and left her walkman. I frowned in worry and glanced at the device before I stood up and walked away. Then, my eyes widened at the realization, and I hit myself on the head. Fuck, those marks looked like Violet's. Good job, Louis. Shit, I- I can't imagine what Penny went through to cut herself like that. I... I need to tell Nick. If he doesn't know about that, then he needs to know.

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