The Stereotypical Geeks vs. Jocks Situation

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 Let's just say, I'm not the most adored person in high school.

                My name is Dallas Pax.  I'm 18 and a senior at Ridgewest High school. 

My activities include; computer hacking, being the President of our school's strategy club, and art. Yea, the art is kind of random compared to all of the other geek things I do, but it's always been a passion of mine. I guess you could say one of my other hobbies I'm very passionate about is sleeping, but seriously...who isn't? Calculus is the best place for it. All of the huge books and bags stacked high on your desk, the teachers think you are so studious...kind of makes you wonder how they ever got the job to teach with their inability to notice details like that. 

"Everyone please clear off your desks. We are about to watch an important news announcement that was broadcasted last night."

Ms. Brutlug was probably one of the most monotone teachers that ever lived. At least try and act like you want to be here and you even get paid for it!  The President stepped forward to give his annual speech. Our government was a new and changing one. It was full of top secret experiments, artillery, and wasting a lot of our money. He told us how we were going to have another World War sooner or later.

This seems like a good time to sleep...The lights were off, the class was quite, and the heater was on. Perfect. The second I set my head down in my arms folded neatly on the desk, I could feel an uneasy vibe behind me. I slightly turned to look at of course I see every geek's worst nightmare. A Jock Pack. That's what we call them when there is one to many in a class for our taste.

"Hey Dall!" One of them called out to me before taking a shot at me with a couple paper airplanes.

One day I swear, I'll make an actual airplane and throw it at you, then tell me how you feel.

 "Did the poor Dall stay up past bedtime?" 

I'm going to kill...Dallas breathe...Breathe in, breathe out. 1...2...3...4...5...I shook myself around to resist the urge to throw a punch. Brandon Wells had been my most notorious adversary, picking me as his victim since the third grade. I was always able to outwit him...but not out-punch him.

 *School bells ring* Thank you Jesus! I leaped out of my seat before the guys could pick up my scent. I hung out with the kind of group that always had your back and your highest GPA. The pure geniuses of this campus. There's Amber Grimm; computer whiz, dyed blue hair, and did I mention she's pretty hot? Next is Tubs, or that's what we call him. When he was little, he was so fat, his mom said he wouldn't fit in their bathtub. Then there is Zane; best friend in the whole world. He's a little, but mighty, Japanese transfer student with wicked karate skills. His parents gave him a much more complicated name, so he told us to just call him Zane. He probably just saw it in a One Direction magazine somewhere and decided to stick with that instead. 

4 of us vs. hundreds of them. Seems fair enough, right? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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