Class with Tendou😗

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⚠️Profanity Warning⚠️
Your focusing on some independent work in class when you feel a piece of crumbled up paper hit the back of your head. You look back to see Tendou smiling at you and nodding for you to pick the piece of paper up.

Do you have the answers love? i dont feel like doing the problems :)

You look back at Tendou and throw his paper back in his face and whisper "Do it yourself lOvE" you smile. "Oh come on Y/N you always help me, why not today" he frowns. "Exactly i ALWAYS help you." you say, "Well this isn't really my favorite subject and i'm lost i keep zoning out" he says "Well what could you possibly be thinking about that makes you not pay attention?" you say with curiosity."Um..." He blushes. "Look we can ask the teacher to let us stay for a hour or so after school and i can help you with this weeks lesson" you say. "Fineeee i'll wait until then to do the work" he pouts. "Tendou , Y/N is there something you'd like to share with the class?" the teacher asks in a annoyed tone. "No sir" you saying looking down at your text book. "Well actually there's something i'd like to ask" Tendou interrupts. "Well" "Can me and Y/N stay for a hour of so after class, she's helping me study for fridays test" Tendou asks.

The teacher was hesitant at first but then  then said "Fine. But you two have to lock up the class after, i can't stay tonight i have important things i need to get home to" Tendou kicks your chair and says "Yes sir we will." The rest of the days goes by in a blink and you walk back to the classroom you and Tendou were meeting in. Surprisingly Tendou was already there, not doing anything but he was there early and that's a first. "Are you ready to study" You ask Tendou as you put your bag on the desk next to him and begin to pull out your text book. He nods. You begin to help him with his work, not realizing he was staring at you the whole time until you look up at him. "And then you divi-" You look up and blush at Tendou completely mesmerized by you. *cleared your throat* "Uhh Tendou? Did you get everything i'm talking about?" you ask. "Yea- Yeah i did" He said still staring at you. "We should probably wrap this up i got to go" you said still blushing while putting your book in your bag. "No no wait, matter of fact"

He stand up to close the blinds and the door. "Tendou what the hell are you doing" You say watching him do those things. "Y/N there's something i've been meaning to do for a while" He says looking at your lips. "Tendou i-" he cups your face, sits you on the desk, and pulls you in for a kiss. You were shocked as your cheeks turned red and hot. You liked him and didn't think of pushing him away any time soon. Tendou realizes what he's done and pulls back, he began to blush at the realization of what he has done. "Oh- I'm- I'm sorry,  i didn't mean to startle you" You pulled him back onto your lips kissing him more passionately this time. He doesn't pull back as he sees you feel the same about him. Your table is side to side with a wall so he pushes you harder making your back hit the wall. You didn't know where this sudden feeling of wanting more than a kiss came from but you weren't going to stop there, you wanted more of Tendou and you knew exactly what that was.

You move your hands down starting to take his blazer off and then unbuttoning his shirt. He puts both hands on the wall giving you more space to unbutton his shirt. You feel his tongue begin to move to your collarbone, turning you both on even more. You were wearing a skirt with nothing but panties under so he puts his hand on your thigh under the skirt and asks "Can i?" while kissing your collarbone "Mhm" you moan quietly. He sticks his middle finger in your 🐱 and begins to move it around in there giving you pleasure since his fingers were so long. With his other hand he puts in under your shirt and slowly moves it up to your breast. He starts caressing your breasts and adds another finger and thrusts them into you. He's doing all this while kissing your neck making you moan at the touch of him.

You suddenly hear someone trying to open the door and tendou grabs you and throws you both into the medium sized closet in the room, covering your mouth. The door opens and you can hear a voice "Hmm they aren't in here, but their things are here so i'm guessing they must've gone to get a snack or something. I'll just get a couple things and get on my way home" the teacher says. You hear another pair of footsteps and then another voice "Hey Hey Champ" you hear it's another teacher. You and Tendou were desperate to continue what you had going on, Tendou more. He turns to you and grabs you by the throat pulling you into a kiss, he pulls back and whispers "Let's play a little game, whoever is more quiet wins" he bites your ear and lays you down on the carpet. The teachers were still out there talking taking forever to finish up. You soon feel a thrust into you and realize it's Tendous fingers.

Tendous fingers were so long you just loved the feeling of them thrusting into you. You let out a soft moan as he begins to un button your class shirt. As he finishes he starts to thrust his fingers into you harder and harder, making it harder for you to be quiet. He puts his hand over your mouth and starts whispering in your ear as he's still thrusting with his other arm "Shhh queen, this is only the start of it. When i put my dick in you, i'll be able to please you way more than this" He begins to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. You were ready you were so ready for him to rail you recklessly. "Will you let me?" he asks as he lines his dick with your entrance. You nod your head, and as soon as you give him the go he thrusts into you really hard causing you to bite his hand. He puts his fingers into your mouth so you can suck and bite on them as you feeling him slide inside of you. He then goes down to your ear, still thrusting into you and says "Your so wet, i'm not going to be able to stop. I'm going to fuck you so hard until you cry"

He begins to kiss your neck while fucking you uncontrollably. You can still hear the two teachers taking just outside of the closet, but it's hard for you to keep in the moans. Although you manage to keep them in, Tendou makes it harder by the minute. "Fckkkk y/n, you feel so fucking good" Tendou groans. Your face is turning red from you keeping in the moans so you start to breath and a fast pace. "T-tendou" you say trying your best to be quiet. Tears are running down your face as Tendou hits the right spot. "Is my little queen about to squirt?" he chuckles. "Squirt on me, this is your throne after all" He says moaning. It's hard to keep in the moans after all Tendou begins to pound into you really hard causing you to moan out loud. You squirt on his dick and he cums. He pulls out and watches his cum and yours drip down your leg. He goes down to lick it all up off your leg and your 🐱and i mean ALL OF IT. Licking you dry making your legs shake even more. He goes up and kisses you, "good thing they left before they heard you" he pauses and starts kissing you again. He grabs a extra shirt from his bag and puts it on you. "We can wait until you are able to walk and then we can leave" Tendou says putting the shirt on you. "Does this make you my girlfriend?" He smirks. "I mean duh" you say out of breath. "Good good, i'm glad i'm going to be able to do more of this with you and ofc spoil you and show you off" He says smiling and winking at you.

Soon after you can walk you guys get your bags and lock the classroom door. "I'll drive you home y/n" Tendou says. "Okay" you say. *Drives* *Arrives at your house* "Well love here we are" He says kinda sad he didn't get more time with you even though you guys have seen each other since high school. He grabs your bags and opens the car door for you, walking you up to your door. You turn around to him as you get to your door step and grab your bags from his hand. He pulls your chin up and gives you one long kiss. He pulls off and says "Text me okay. If you need anything call me" You smile and kiss his cheek and walk inside. "OH I ALMOST FORGOT. I'll pick you up for school tomorrow morning so be ready" He says walking back to his car. You smile and wave him goodbye as he gets into his car. You then watch him drive off smiling that Tendou was finally your boyfriend.

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