Chapter 1

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"Why can't my mom see that Arashi broke the vase?" cries a young girl around 4 years old. The young girl has long blonde hair with blue eyes. She wears a gray t-shirt with black shorts with blue shinobi sandals. This young girl is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, the eldest daughter of the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze, and the Red Hot Habanero, Kushina Uzumaki. She is the oldest out of the triplets that Kushina gave birth to.  The younger two are the kyuubi jinchurikis. Mito Uzumaki-Namikaze is a girl with red hair and blue eyes and 6 whisker marks. Mito holds the yin chakra of the kyuubi as well as half of its soul. Arashi Uzumaki-Namikaze is boy with red hair with violet eyes with 6 whisker marks. Arashi holds the yang chakra and the other half of kyuubi's soul. Kushina and Minato always cast Naruto aside for her younger siblings because of what they hold. If Arashi or Mito accidentally break or do something wrong, Naruto gets blamed. Having enough of being neglected, she packed some clothes, rations and some kunai and climbed out her bedroom window this evening after her 'family' went to bed. "Now I need to find a place to sleep for tonight." Naruto grumbles with tears flowing down her cheeks. Suddenly, a hole in the ground appears beneath her. "EEP!" Naruto yelps as she falls to the floor. "Oww.... stupid ground." Naruto mumbles with a pout as she sits up to look where she end up. Naruto sees a huge cavern with many openings covered in metal. Naruto looks behind her to see a huge shelf of books and weird objects that glow different colors. "Whoa... What is this place? I hope whoever lives here doesn't mind me staying here." Naruto says with stars in her eyes. Naruto walks down an opening and sees a room with a mattress and a old, tattered book on it. Naruto sets her bag on the ground and grabs the book. Naruto sits down on the mattress and starts to read the book.

"To Whoever is reading this, My name is Natsu Dragneel. If you found this book and be able to read this then you are chosen to revive a power that is able to stop dragons from causing havoc, but I imagine that the dragons are gone because it has been 400 years since the war. My homeland was called Fiore. We had something called Magic. Everyone is able to do magic. There are several types of magic. The common type of magic are requip magic, wind magic, fire magic, earth magic, ice magic, water magic, script magic, healing magic, maker magic, light magic, transformation magic, teleportation magic, telepathy magic, speed magic, plant magic, card magic, and letter magic.The rare types of magic are celestial magic, takeover magic, and binding magic. There is ancient magic and that is what magic I used. The ancient types of magic are demon slayer magic, dragon slayer magic, arc of time, and god slayer magic. I was the fire dragon slayer. In the library, I was able recover the directions to how use all the common types of magic and the rare type of magic, all thirteen zodiac celestial keys, light pens, dragon slayer lacrimas, magic swords, animal and demon souls for the takeover magic, magic guns, magic armor, two god slayer lacrimas, and books on how to use arc of time. There is a thing called black magic. NEVER EVER USE BLACK MAGIC! Now back to the history lesson... After the 400 year war, 4 other dragon slayers,  our caretaker, and me traveled to the year 777 to slay a dragon called Acnologia, but an accident occurred while we were time traveling. We got separated and the other dragon slayers and me got amnesia. All we remembered was our names , what type of magic we used, and that we were raised by dragons. As years passed we were finally united with each other and had our memories back. We face Acnologia, the black dragon of apocalypse. We slayed him at a cost. All of friends were killed by the dragon as well the other 5 dragon slayers. I was the last magic user alive. Two of the dragon slayers had lacrimas implanted into them. I was really broken that my friends that I saw as family were dead so I left Fiore and traveled to the Elemental Nations. I traveled around the continent and collected all sorts of shinobi techniques. Apparently they have something called chakra. Chakra and magic are very similar but one difference. If you use up all your chakra you die, but if you use up all your magic then you have to wait for it to return. I finally came to Konoha and settled in this cavern and made it into a home. There is a second library in the cavern that is filled with shinobi things that I tried to learn but since my magic was very dominant I couldn't use chakra. In that library there is books on ninjutsu, kenjutsu, taijutsu, bojutsu, fuinjutsu, iryojutsu, and genjutsu. There are also many kunai, shuriken, chakra swords, weights, clothes, books on herbs, cook books, books on chakra control, tantos, and katanas. In the cavern there is a training room that is indestructible, a kitchen with many appliances, an empty cave where you store many things, an underground lake, a blacksmith area where you can make weapons filled with chakra metal and a metal to make magic armor and magic swords, and a lab to make medicines if you decide to take up healing magic and healing jutsu. I hope you enjoy your life here chosen one. At the end of this book is directions if you decide to take up dragon slaying magic. Good luck, Natsu Dragneel.

P.S I forgot to mention there are summoning scrolls in the second library and a giant egg in the first library."

Naruto finishes reading and grins with awe. Naruto closes the book and sets it next to her bag. "I will start learning tomorrow, Mr. Dragneel. I will make you proud!" Naruto whispers and falls asleep. When Naruto is fully asleep, a blue figure appears right above her. 'I know you will Naruto, You will go far as a mage and a ninja. Sleep well Naruto, I will be watching over now and forever.' The blue figure who is known as Natsu Dragneel thinks with a soft smile.

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