Little Things

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Ch. 1. Little Things.

I felt him wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, he nuzzled his face into my shoulder and planted soft kisses on my skin. I was exhausted from work, my body was aching, and those small kisses made my body feel titanium. I could stand up and fly if I wanted to. But I didn't I stood by his side because he's my strength, he's what makes me want to be a better person. I turned my body around facing him, I put one arm under my head giving it support and the other around his shirtless body. He looked right into my tired eyes and I could tell he was tired too, this was usually the only time we had together, his work schedule is more brutal than mine, but we never complain because once we're reunited it feels like we never left.

He slid his pink tongue over his lips and leaned in pressing his warm lips on my forehead. That warm kiss spread calms down my spine and through my veins. A soft smile curved onto my lips, and I stared into his tired brown eyes. "I love you." He whispered, his hand on the small of my back, I hated the small of my back, every girl would complain how they have back dimples. I don't have back dimples, I have a dent in my back. It's strange, I arch my back and no dimples, it's huge a big dent, I never loved them.

"I love you." I buzzed as my fingers ran over his buzzed cut head. Something about his new hair I love, my love for him is unconditionally, but with his new hair, it makes me realize how real he is to me. He's mine, and I'm his. It doesn't make sense but we don't make sense, and that's what makes us .... Us.

"This may be strange." I continued, "but I want to be as close to you as possible right now before you go in two days," I swallowed thickly, for some reason thinking about the next two days made me nervous. "But I don't know how I can be closer to you physically." I said as I watched my hand move over his head, from the corner of my eye I saw a smirk appear on his lips.

"I think I have an idea." He whispered into my ear, his hands slowly moving from the dent in my back, to my hip bones. He gripped them strongly and lifted me up, he moved his body so he was laying on his back and placed me on top of him. It amazed me how he could possible lift me up without a problem, and it bothered me because he knew it was one of my weakness'.

My legs on either side of him; but he was correct, it did make us closer, my crotch was on his, I laid down and our bodies were pressed together, i snuggled my head into the crook of his neck. I lifted my body up so we could speak. "I love your idea." I whispered. It was his house, and even though it was only us to in it, we always whispered, no reason into it. We just do it, and I love it, because the words he whispers I believe, and he finds it sexy when I whisper, although while he's on tour whispering through the phone isn't anything like in real life, I sound like an idiot through the phone, more manly than I was, and I hated my voice over recordings. I told him it'll be best if whenever we're with each other, we'll whisper.

A faint smile came across his lips, "how was work?" He asked.

I smiled, "work was amazing. We just stood in the studio and I tried on the most cutest clothes." Liam just stared at me with that small smile on his lips, "I'm not going to go on, on the clothes but I just loved it." I giggled softly. "How was the meeting?"

He sighed and his hand rubbed is face, "it went really well, some arguments here and there but we got what we mostly wanted." His hand went to my thigh and it just laid there. Usually I wouldn't allow him to do it, but I was too tired to tell him to get off. Liam knows I hate my thighs, I can't stand them, they're huge and pointless and irritating, the people at my job and Liam doesn't give a care though.

"Are you excited?" I asked as finally he slipped his finger between the spaces of my fingers after they were playing with each other for a short time.

"Yes and no." I cocked my eyebrow, why wouldn't he be excited for going on tour? Liam loves tour, he always has amazing stories to tell me and he always has a smile on his face when he's at tour, I don't see why he wouldn't be excited. "I'm not going to see you." His voice was in a soft buzz that made my heart sink.

"You will. Just not the first month." I leaned down and pressed my lips on to his softly. "Just promise to text me everyday." I tried not to pout but failed miserably.

"It isn't an option." He smiled, "you're gonna come to L.A with us, and there's this burger place that I know you'll love."

"In-N-Out?" I asked knowing Liam told me already.

"How'd you know?" He asked as his hand softly began running up and down my thigh, I tried not to notice but it was pretty obvious I didn't want him to stop.

"You told me about four times babe." I laughed softly. "Maybe i should get off, I feel like I'm crushing you." I said about to roll over.

Liam grabbed my hips tightly, making our hips create a small thud. I made a small sound of pleasure as he sat up, his head next to my ear, as he wrapped his arms my waist and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders keeping myself from falling. "You're not going anywhere." He whispered in my ear, I heard his faint breaths in my ear, I could feel his lips against my skin but not yet touching, a smirk was on his lips, then he finally pressed his lips under my ear softly just leaving his lips there. He knew that made me go insane, but he did it to get me to see if I'll try and do something about it.

It's been about eight months Liam and I have been seeing each other and we know each other's weakness', and right now he's using mine to an advantage. Slowly he began kissing down to my neck, I bit my lip and slid my hand to his head realizing there was no hair to grab onto. I felt his lips leading it's way up, and crashed onto my lips, he moved his lips against mine slowly his big hands gripping my waist firmly and my hands went to his shoulders and pushed him back to lay down.

"Lets not right now." I smirked shyly, "lets just, relax tonight because I could tell how tired you are and I don't want you to be tired in the morning."

Liam chuckled, "just lay with me then." I smiled and laid my body against his. I didn't want to sleep on my side tonight, I wanted to be as close to him as possible and right now this seems about right. I laid my head on his chest hearing his heart beating, I closed my eyes memorizing his heartbeats, like I want to hear the heartbeat that made me feel love.

"Good night beautiful." He whispered into my hair as I breathed in his scent. I closed my eyes remembering the sweet scent of home, but soon home was going to be destroyed by something we called love.

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