Chapter 10

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Y/N: Do you have Sungjin's number?

Sammy: Sungjin? Yeah why?

Y/N: I need his help with something

Sammy: With what?

Y/N: It's a surprise for someone

Sammy: You're being awfully mysterious

Y/N: I don't wanna give too much away.

You're close friends with them, so if I tell you then he'll find out

Sammy: Who? Jae?

Y/N: Yes

I might... like him... a lot

Sammy: Yes! Ha! Take that YoungK, he owes me $20

Y/N: You were betting on us?

Sammy: Don't think of it as betting so much as we were playing cupid

We've been trying to set you two up for a while now

But after Saturday YoungK thought there was no hope

But I knew you'd confess eventually and I was right!

So what's the plan and how can I help?

Y/N: I'm gonna need a guitar

- - - -

You fidgeted with the strap of the guitar. A small crowd had started to form when they saw you, Sungjin, Wonpil, Dowoon, and YoungK set up the equipment. Sammy was in class with Jae and would bring him over to the plaza when their class was over.

"Everything is ready. Don't worry," Sungjin reassured you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Are you sure? Maybe we should test the sound system one more time. I'm worried about the static. Maybe we should also practice one more time so that I don't forget the lyrics. Or maybe–"

"Y/N, he'll love it."

"Are you sure?"

"You wrote it yourself. From the heart. Of course he'll love it. Plus he's already head over heels for you."

"Well I didn't write it all by myself... Thank you again for helping me on such short notice."

"Anytime. Well hopefully this is the only time you need help with a confession song." Sungjin laughed.

Your phone buzzed. It was a text from Sammy saying him and Jae were on their way.

"Jae's coming," you said. Sunjin jumped into action, making sure the other guys were ready. Wonpil and Dowoon gave you a thumbs up.

Your heart pounded in your chest. You hummed the lyrics, afraid you might forget them even though you've been practicing nonstop.

Jae and Sammy rounded the corner. Jae stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing up on the raised stage of the plaza, guitar in hand. Sammy had to drag him closer.

"Umm, hi." Your voice reverberated throughout the plaza, louder than normal with the help of the microphone. "You told me how you felt, but I was scared and didn't know if I should believe you or not. But you were serious and I never told you how I feel, so here it goes."

You nodded to Dowoon. He clapped his drumsticks together three times before starting to play. Muscle memory took over as your fingers switched between the different chords.

You swallowed before starting to sing. "After telling you these words, I'm not sure if we can go back to smiling like we are now. But I have to."

This is it. Either he still likes me or he doesn't, but at least my feelings will be out there, you thought.

"I like you. I tried holding it back but I can't anymore. Now I can tell you I want to love you." Your voice rang loud and clear throughout the plaza. There was no mistaking your words.

Your eyes analyzed Jae's face for his reaction. His shock melded into a grin. A wave of relief passed over you. You lost yourself in the rest of the song.

As the guitar faded out, the crowd clapped and hollered. You could barely hear them though. All your attention was focused on Jae. "I like you Jae."

He ran toward you, jumping up onto the stage. His fingers tangled in your hair as he pulled you in close for a kiss. You felt breathless when he finally pulled away.

If someone had told you a few weeks ago that you would get butterflies kissing Jae, you would've thought they were crazy. You would've laughed in their face. But they would've been right.

"Wow. First off wow," Jae began. "You can sing."

"Yeah. I was in choir for a while."

"And you wrote that song? For me?"

You laughed. "Yes you. Who else would it be for?"

"You seriously, 100%, like me back?"

"I'm serious. My eyes say that I like you. Why don't you feel it?" You sang his lyrics back to him. "But yes. I like you. 100%."

Jae pulled you into another bear hug, kissing you again. "You know what this means right?"


"Now I get to annoy you even more."

And I wouldn't have it any other way, you thought.

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