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Sodapop Curtis updated his status:

Like for a tbh tbr date and a rate (if I was the opposite gender :D)

Ponyboy Curtis, Dallas Winston and 7 others like this.

Sodapop Curtis posted on Ponyboy Curtis' timeline:

Rate|| 7
Tbh|| Youre blonde hair makes u look weird O.o hawt asf'
Tbr|| you have no common sense
Date|| I guess

Ponyboy Curtis likes this.

Ponyboy Curtis: Gee, thanks.

Sodapop Curtis posted on Dallas Winston's timeline:

Rate|| 2
Tbh|| u may look gewd but it scary asf
Tbr|| ur a jerk and suck hella ass Cx I'd be afraid to date u
Date|| Uh no.. you'd probably hit me or try and have sax wif me of like cheat

Dallas Winston: You suck potatoes

Sodapop Curtis posted on Steve Randle's Timeline:

Rate|| 0
Tbh|| ur teeth
Tbr|| those teeth😷
Date|| omf no ur teeth, rather date Dally

Steve Randle and Dallas Winston like this.

Steve Randle: Thanks? . . .

Sodapop Curtis posted on Darrel Curtis' timeline:

Rate|| 8
Tbh|| muscles😍 ur hawt
Tbr|| ur too serious
Date|| maybe, if you don't hit meh Bruh

Darrel Curtis likes this post.

Darrel Curtis: C'mon, man, I only hit Pony that one time! Geez

Ponyboy Curtis: you still have the ability to do it again

Sodapop Curtis and 5 others like this comment.

Sodapop Curtis posted on Two-Bit's timeline:

Tbh|| ur hella funny man
Tbr|| lay off the beer
Date|| hm.. I dunno.

Two-Bit Mathews likes this.

Sodapop Curtis posted on Johnny Cade's Timeline:

Tbh|| ur hella quiet
Tbr|| ur hella quiet xD and Uh sissyish
Date|| rather date Steve or Dally

Johnny Cade likes this.

Johnny Cade: ._.

Sodapop Curtis posted on Cherry Valance's timeline:

Tbh|| ur hella hawt/smexy (not sexier than me tho)
Tbr|| rude much?
Date|| ofc!

Cherry Valance likes this.

Cherry Valance: thanks ;)

Bob Sheldon: Frick off -.-

Bob Sheldon posted on Sodapop Curtis' timeline:

Where Dafuq is my tbh and sheit?!

Nobody likes this.


Think this one is better Cx

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