~Narancia x Reader: Don't look at me like that!!~

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         "DAMN IT!"  You heard Fugo yell across the restaurant. You and Trish had just come back after a short mission and someone was already going to kill someone. You two rushed to the reserved room and saw Fugo and Narancia going at it while Bruno tried to break it up. Right when you two walked in, Bruno yelled at the two. "Oi! You two should know better than to argue over something so stupid like children!" 

         Narancia had a fork stuck in his cheek as Fugo had a scowl on his face, gripping the paper. "S..orry Bucc..ellati... "Fugo sputtered out, grinding his teeth. Narancia scoffed and looked the other way, not feeling the need to apologize. Narancia moved his leg, signaling for you to sit next to him. 

       You went over and sat next to him. "Whats he yelling about this time?" You whisper to him. "Hmmmm... math..." He muttered almost ashamed. "Well what's the problem?" The frail boy scoffed. "Long multiplication" You gave him a small smile. "We should hang out later, so I can help you!" He looked over with a very faint blush. "R-really?!" He brightened up. Trish perked up slightly knowing about your little crush. 

      "It might be good for him to learn from someone else." Trish spoke. "Hearing the same person teaching you the same thing everyday can get quite boring." She continued. "I'm not that boring!" Fugo yelled before realizing what she meant. Mista, not knowing spoke up. "Well, you are kinda obnoxious sometimes." Fugo gave him a glare that said 'shut up'. 

    "I'm free at 7 if that's any good." He said bashfully. "Yeah that's fine, just come up and knock on the door." You replied. 


You awaited in your dining room for around thirty before hearing a knock.  You rushed towards the door to see him. "Hey Y/N." He said cheerfully. "Am I too late?" You smiled. "No, not at all, come in." You spoke stepping out of the way. He went and sat on the couch and awaited you. You grabbed a few pens and a notebook before sitting down.

           "Ok so, lets start off with something easy." You spoke writing a number down. 110x12. "Ok so first of all, you're gonna multiply everything with the 2." You explained as he nodded. "And what is anything times 0?" You continued. "0? Right?" He asked. "Yeah! Exactly." 

      As your lesson went on you could see that Narancia paid less attention to what you were saying but rather on you. "Narancia if you want to take a break we can." He looked over at you. "Ah- y..yeah!" He got up and stretched a bit. You went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "What would you like to drink?" He looked over and looked a little stressed. "Damnit Y/N! You both know that's not why we are here!" 

      You were taken aback. "Narancia, I-" He got in your face cut you off. "No! We both know we like each other a lot so why don't you just say it already. Y/N I love you!" He yelled. He is as red as a tomato. "Narancia, I love you too. I was so afraid to say it because I thought it would ruin our friendship..." You muttered out. He hugged you tightly. "Y/N, we should be a thing!" He yelled, so excited that you liked him back. "Yes Nara, of course we can." You said hugging him back.

'{Wooowie over 600+ words! anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you all have a very nice day! -Salem}'

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