Rules are made to be broken

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I wake up and get dressed, I find a note on my door. I walk over to it and furrow my brows.
"Laura, your father and I are going out today, won't be back till tomorrow morning. Remember the rule- no causing trouble and to stay close to home, avoid anything to do with pirates!... Love mother".
I smile to myself and head to the tavern, I see James and Edward at the table.
"Don't you two look right as rain" I chuckle, leaning on the back of James's chair.
James groans and rubs the sleep from his eyes and Edward clears his throat.
"We're you two up all night?" I ask, thinking of how handsome Edward looks from this angle.
"Aye, because Kenway wouldn't shut up and realise he can't swoon them all" James yawns.
"And I'm guessing I'm that one you both can't" I say, standing and leaning back on the table next to James and crossing my arms over my chest.
"No" Edward blushes.
"Kenway, stop lying" I frown, then looki at James and seeing how cute he is.
James laughs and gets up, Edward gets up and they look at each other and then at me.
"Coming for a walk?" Edward asks.
"Sure" I say, slightly hesitating.
We head down the street until they stop out the front of the weapons trader.
"Any weapons?"James asks.
"Does it look it?" I ask sarcastically.
"Do now" Edward says, handing out a set of Spanish cutlesses.
"Thanks... But why?" I ask, sheathing them on my belt.
"Everyone in Nassau has weapons" Edward says, starting to walk.
James and I look at each other and then we follow Edward, we keep walking until we stop at a small cliff.
I walk up to the cliff and trace it with my fingers, Edward and James watch with curiosity and confusion. I grab a rock and pull myself up and soon I'm climbing it like a spider.
"Coming?" I ask, looking down at them.
They start climbing, we race to the top. I reach the top first and pull them up onto the flat surface.
"Where did to learn that?" Edward asks, sitting near the wall.
"In Kingston, I was a rat of a child... I used to defy my parents every wish until I turned seventeen five years ago" I say, a smug smile forming on my lips.
"What changed?" James asks, sitting with Edward.
"I was in the right place at the wrong time, because the group I was part of left me for dead... I was nearly hung" I explain, pulling out the necklace the females in the group wore.
"What were you doing?" James asks.
I smile and laugh slightly, I grip the necklace and throw it over the edge and into the water.
"I killed five men with my bare hands, earned a few scars and then got shot.. they left me for dead and I nearly got hung" I explain, turning to face them.
"How did you get out?" James asks.
I smile and shrug my shoulders.
"That's for another time" I say, sitting down and wincing when my leg hits to ground.
"You okay?" Edward asks.
"Yeah" I sigh.
We sit there and I listen to there stories until the sun starts to set. I get up and look over the edge and James walks up behind me and pokes me in the ribs.
"Fucken" I gasp, jumping and going to hit him but he catches my fist in his hand.
"Someone sure is jumpy" he teases smiling his smug smile.
I growl and glare at him, I look at my hand and James does the same. I pull my hand free and walk over to a tree and lean back on it.
"How the hell are we getting down?" James asks.
"Easy" I wink, jogging to the edge and jumping.
I do a front flip and land on the ground in a crouched position. I look up and see Edward and James looking at me.
"How the fuck?" James asks.
I bow and start walking, they climb down and soon we are all walking to the tavern.
"Today was nice, thank you. I have to go" I say, heading down the road.
I hear something smash behind me, I turn around and see a cat. I turn around and get punched in the nose, I stumble back and hold my nose and within seconds I'm surrounded. I throw a few punches and I'm attacked.
"Oi, piss off and leave the lass alone!" Two familiar voices yell.
I fall to the ground and get kicked in the ribs, I clutch them and then I'm kicked in the head.
"Argh, fuck" I groan.
James grabs me and picks me up bridal style while Edward takes on the men.
"Come on lass, just keep looking at me" James says.
I fight to keep my eyes open and they run to my house and lay me in the bed, James sits next to me while Edward grabs the medical bag.
"Laura.. can you hear me?" James asks.
I groan and hold my ribs, James and Edward quickly get to work on cleaning me up. James removes my shirt and grabs a clean one while Edward treats my ribs.
"Here we go" James says, helping me into my shirt.
I groan and they sit together with me.
"You two have to leave, my parents hate pirates" I cough, trying to sit up and to be only pushed gently back down by James.
"We're not leaving you" Edward says, moving to the chair next to my bed.
"You don't understand" I groan, looking at the roof.
"Then tell us" James says softly, moving back slightly.
" I'm in agreement with James"  Edward says, leaning forward on his knees.
"I'll explain when I'm ready, but I'm begging you two to leave" I lie.
"Alright" Edward says, standing and running his hand through his blonde hair.
"Fine, but don't think we won't be back" James says.
"Okay, go through the window" I say, pointing to my open window.
Edward climbs our first after patting my shoulder, James half climbs out the window before he turns back to me.
"What?" I ask, stiffening a yawn.
"Get some rest lass" he winks, jumping out the rest of the way and I hear there footsteps fade.
I fall asleep and pull the blankets up tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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