26: last day of internships and back to school

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Hello everyone, hope y'all staying safe and all, just a quick announcement I made a discord server for me book and it's on my conversation board to check it out if you wanna join. On with the story.


Izuku blushes and scratches the back of his head neck nervously, "s-sor-" before izuku could apologize a horrible roar is heard as a fly nomu can be seen flying toward them in high speeds

Before they can even react, a sickening sound of sharp claws cutting through flesh was heard as our green bean izuku was grabbed by the nomu

"AHHHH" he screams out in pain as he feels his arms starting to get numb because of quick blood lose as he gets raised into the air at a fast pace

*Zoom* grand Torino try's and fly to grab izuku but wasent fast enough to grab the boy

Izuku could feel his eyes getting heavier and heavier as he try's to reach out and ask for help, but all that came out was a weak wheeze

Everyone was in shock, one second everything was fine, the second, a nomu grabbed one of the top students and carried him away

Iida was taken out of his shock when he heard the clank of blades, he turned out and to his horror stain has gotten out and is now reunited with his blades

But instead of attacking the hero's, stain goes zoom zoom and jumps up to the nomu basically walking on the side of the building at such speeds it even surpassed grand torino

Shabby boi stabs the nomu in the head ripping off as the nomu emits a high pitched screech as all three start falling to the ground

Stain grabbed izuku from the grasp of the nomu and jumped away from it as they landed safely on the street under them while the nomu falls down a bit farther behind them

Stain looks up with a murderous aura and looks at the hero's scaring even endeavor who is said to be fearless

They were all frozen in shock and fear as stain started talking

"You call yourself hero's... yet non of you tried hard enough to save this boy... out of all of you here, I CAN ONLY CONSIDER IZUKU MIDORIYA AS A TRUE HERO, AS TRUE AS ALL MIGHT" he finishes with a devilish smile as he then falls to the ground

The hero's in front of them were in utter shock because of what just happened, after like 5 seconds of standing there izumi realized the situation

"Izuku..." she says as grand Torino and iida realize what she means and rushes to him and trying to stop the bleeding hero

Grand Torino picks up izuku and uses jet to rush him to the hospital as he try's to stop his bleeding on the way as Izumi follows him to the hospital

The other hero's including iida were still in shock but rushed to arrest stain before he stands back up

Not like he can right now anyways

The ambulance comes a bit later to take iida and stain to the hospital

"Do you know anything about someone named izuku midoriya?" Asks iida in worry as a doctor answers "I'm guessing he was with all of you? He just got registered in, heavily bleeding and honestly speaking... I don't know if he can make it" he says in sadness as iida looks in horror and worry for his friend

'It's all my fault' thinks iida as Shouka pats his back saying it'll all be ok as she is also blaming herself and feeling huge guilt for not saving the person she loves

They all got to the hospital to see a worried Gran Torino sitting next to a worried izumi as they bite their nails waiting for doctors to answer them

Shouka who isn't as hurt as iida sits with the other 2 while iida is lead to a hospital room for a check up

"So is he going to be alright" asks Shouka in a worried and low tone as Izumi looks up at her and weakly smiles

"Doctors said he will live, but they also said they don't know what might happen to his arm since it's heavily injured because of the nomu" he says

The 2 proceed to look down helplessly since they weren't able to do anything other then wait

—time skip brought to you by me playing azur lane—

It's now the next day, the news about the nomu/ stain attack is now well know through of japan as hero's are thinking of ways to prevent another incident like what happened

Izuku is currently in bed with iida on a bed across from him

"Good morning midoriya, are you all right" asks iida as he stands up and walks to izuku who is rubbing his eyes

When he opens them and takes a good look at iida he sees that iida has a cast on his arm and bandages with a tint of blood on them

"Yeah, I'm fine, what happened after the nomu took me up?" Asks izuku calming because he gives no fucks

"Stain saved you, called out all the hero's and then proceeded to pass out, Torino and Izumi took you here with their quirks because you were heavily bleeding" answers iida

"I see" says izuku

The two sit there quietly for some time before starting some small talk about what happened and what might everyone reactions be to which they got part of the answer soon when Shouka and Izumi burst into the room and hugged izuku

"WE WERE SO WORRIED" they both say out load as iida is like 'tf they doin ova there'

after some small chat with the two that burst into the room an officer with Torino and water hose (I forgot who that dude is) next to him

Of corse, it's the chat about what happened

The officer said that endeavor will take credit since he was the only licensed hero out of the people there that "helped"

Shouka wasn't to happy about these news but had to except them anyways

The 3 adults left and now izuku and iida were left alone since Shouka and Izumi left with them as well

The 2 kids preceded to think of excuses for their classmates to avoid the topic of them clapping a dangerous criminal


And that's it for today, I hope y'all staying safe and having good vibes if not that's a you problem

And remember to join my god damn discord server I'll have it up on my convo board

Till next time

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