Chapter 41

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You were resting on the couch when you hear your parents talking as they thought you were asleep

You open your eyes and listen in as your mom seemed angry and upset as your dad was trying to convince her of something

When you fully wake up you hear what they were kinda arguing about well you don't think it's arguing anymore, you think it's your mom being upset with pregnancy hormones and your dad trying to calm her down

"Kireina baby calm down everything is ok don't worry calm down your ok, we're ok, the babies are ok everything is gonna be ok."

"Oh ok I'm just worried and stuff I don't want something to be wrong." Your mom says and wait was something wrong with the twins?

"Look you needing to be less stressed during your pregnancy is just something you need to do it doesn't mean something is wrong with the twins it's ok, just don't be too stressed." Your dad says and you sit up

"What's going on now?" You ask and your parents look over

"Nothing you need to worry about sweetie just stuff me and your mom need to worry about not you, now just don't worry about what we talked about." Your dad says and you nod

"Ok." You say but if it's about your siblings you would want to know if something is going on and if something is wrong with mom or something you would want to know

Because you don't wanna find out randomly when the bad thing happens

*I hope mom is ok I don't want anything bad to happen to her or my new siblings like I wanna be an older sister and I wanna experience being that, so if something bad is going on why wouldn't they tell me?*

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