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Roslin took some breaths as she waited for Lorenzo in their rooms

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Roslin took some breaths as she waited for Lorenzo in their rooms. After the confession from Giuliano regarding his feelings, she had remained in her rooms refusing to do anything else beside be at her own wedding. "My beautiful wife," Lorenzo entreated the rooms walking over to her placing a kiss on her forehead, she turned away leaving him confused.

"What is it now?" He asked. Roslin held her breath once more before letting it out. She sighed. "It's Giuliano. He said he had wished we married instead." She watched as Lorenzo expression didn't changed simply sighed. "I should have known. He always did admired you."  He got up walking around the room.

"Lorenzo? Is something wrong?" She asked.

Lorenzo turned to look at her. "No. Everything is perfect. How are you and Clarice getting along?" He asked staring at her. Roslin sighed. "She seems not to like me at all. I don't understand."

"I'm sure, she'll love you. Give some time." He admitted walking over to her bending down on his knees, and carefully watched her stomach. "Can you feel the little one kick?" She asked, she held his hands placed it on her stomach, watching his expression changed to admiration.

"I believe it's a boy," she admitted. He looked at her with the biggest smile, he'd ever shown. "So be it. He'll be strong boy, my proud son." He admitted. She smiled as she leaned forward to kiss him on his forehead, slowly. He stood there all night, trying to feel his firstborn kicks. She watched him awestruck. She didn't want to loose this moment ever. She loves Lorenzo and nothing will change that.

○ ○ ○

The next morning, she woken up to find Lorenzo gone. It looked like he hadn't slept in their chambers last night. She got up began to dress herself up, placed her hair on the sides. She began to walked outside the halls hearing a lot of noises. Giovanni walked down the hall only to see her.

"You must get some bed rest. You're pregnant." He assured her. "I'm fine, what's going on?" She asked looking around to hear screams and cries. "Lorenzo will kill me if I say this. Bianca is missing. We have reason to believe she left with that pazzi."

"Pazzi?" She asked horrified. "I must see Lorenzo," she began to speak only for Giovanni to stopped her. "Don't he is in meeting-" he told her. She didn't care, she marched forward leaving her to open the door finding Francesco there.

"Roslin?" They both said her name. Lorenzo couldn't comprehend what to do. "Roslin, come here." He demanded leaving her to walked towards him. Francesco watched her every movement.

"Congratulations on the wedding," he whispered, annoyed. Roslin nodded refusing to say anything else. "Thank you, Francesco. We are expecting a child, as well." Lorenzo continued.

Francesco expression didn't changed, remaining neutral. He didn't take his eyes of her. "Congrats." He finally stood up, still staring at both of them.

"All I'm asking for is time. For the sake of your brother, Francesco, if not for Florence." Lorenzo continued. Roslin held her focus on him on how Francesco clearly annoyed left the room without replying to Lorenzo request.

○ ○ ○

After the arrival of Bianca. Lorenzo and her have a private meeting within her room, she could hear her screams and cries but couldn't do anything but hear. She began to walked around as morning sickness began to overcome her. She barged into Lorenzo office upon seeing Clarice there.

"Lorenzo has a lot of books. Doesn't he?" She asked catching her. She step forward completely scared. "What's wrong?" She asked stepping forward to grabbed a book, she held. Roslin could tell, she was hiding something behind her. "What of the book?'' She asked. Clarice gently handed her the book, slowly. 

The initials were R. S

"What is this?" Roslin asked. Clarice looked at her with strange look. "It's poems. It seems like he loves you. He has written plenty of poems of you." Roslin held onto the book unable to say anything. She does remember when Lorenzo was young, he would always write in his journals.

"You can leave now," she whispered. Clarice took a breath turning to leave only to stop. "There is also another book. The initials are C. B. Who do they belong to?" Clarice asked.

Roslin didn't have the heart to tell the truth. "It's Lorenzo book. I'm sure it doesn't mean anything." Clarice held her stared for long second till she turned around walked out of her room. She couldn't believed it. She began to find the book that had that initials. It wasn't Lorenzo book but Giovanni.

○ ○ ○

She was ordered to stay in by many people. Lucrezia was too busy trying to calm down, Bianca. Clarice was probably exploring, with Giovanni. She is left alone. Giuliano has been barely home the last few days. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," she said laying herself on the bed tired. To her surprise, Clarice had entered. She smiled at her making her way to the bed where, she laid.

"Clarice, is something wrong?" Roslin asked, unsure what to say. "You have undivided attention," she let out a laugh clearly welcoming the young girl.

"Call me, Clarice." She smiled trying to get closer to her. "I hope you're well and the baby as well." That's when Clarice handed her a letter.

"I think you should read this."  Clarice took a breath. "This letter is letter addressed to Lorenzo." Once, Roslin held onto the letter, she started to feel pain, a burning pain.  She watched as Clarice held her posture straight, when she said these words. "You got your secret. Help me. Who is Catherine Borgia?" That's when her heart dropped. How did she know?

"Well?" She asked. Roslin didn't know what to say but take a look on the side. The truth needed to be told. "I'll explain to you about Catherine Borgia soon. For now, do not mention anything to Giovanni. I'm afraid he'll will not take the news lightly."

"I won't. Thank you, Roslin." Clarice spoke, closing the doors behind her leaving her alone. She took a breath began reading the letter that was addressed to Lorenzo. Slowly, she felt her world turned. Tears started  to pour down her cheeks. She couldn't hold it anymore.

She trusted Lorenzo.


And part 2 is posted! Now this chapter is only the beginning of the next chapter! The next chapter, will be emotional! Roslin deserves some happiness! 😭😭 also go check out my new reign story! Called embellished! It's out now! You're going to love it! Has anybody not noticed? I usually end up updating with the voting hits over thirty? 😓👌 I'll see you next time! Get ready for the next chapter! It ain't gonna be pretty. 🤷‍♀️

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