Chapter 3: Only caller

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A: "Hi this is blah blah blah you get the drill James."

J: " Hi Alice. How do know it will always be us?"

A: "Because we got a record of who calls us and so far it's only you guys so yeah."

J: "Then we must be the most lazy costumer  you ever met then!"

A: "Oh no your not this is more convenient then remembering all those orders. Other than that its good company too."

 J: "Oh really then I must be a handsome company eh."

A: " Hahah! But anyway why did you call if aren't going to order? If you want company don't you have your friend?"

J: "  Oh he only comes and visits that's all."

A: " Okay then."

J: "Anyways I may not come tomorrow cause it's my friend's birthday so I'm attending their party."

A: "Oh really! Me too!"

J: " Then maybe I can try to find you! Okay?"

A: "Okay! Then bye James!"


A: "James?"

???: There is no James, now never answer his calls again or call him or talk to him or else I will let you never see him again!


Who was that girl and where is James?

I know I may not be at good at cliffhangers but I hope you comment and I am making a new book today, yes I know I'm working on 3 books already but I'm waiting to see if more people read them so yeah for now bye!

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