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I've been watching a beautiful woman, a fox with nine tails. I call her Kitsune, I don't think she has a name. She doesn't stay with the other foxes they're terrified of her. I feel sorry for her she doesn't even have anyone here, no one to call her own. I can't get too close I'm also a little afraid of her, I'm just a rabbit she could easily devour me. I'm not a hunter so I can't leave her much just berries and roots. 

She was sleeping in a small spot of sunlight under a tree I just want to get a little closer to her.  Just a little closer, just for a better look. As I inched closer her eyes snapped open and met mine. I froze, what do I do? "H-hello", I said to her. She said nothing and continued to stare. Her eyes travelled down to look into my hands.

"So you're the one whos been leaving me food?" It was the first time I'd ever heard her spoke. It was like honey dripping from her lips. She stood up slowly and walked towards me. She leaned down and brought her lips to my ears, "Are you bringing me the berries to eat, or are you offering yourself?" I felt a shiver go down my spine. "I brought you the berries, I've been watching and I havent seen you eat anything. You aren't with a group either. Are you alone?"

"Alone? Yes I've always been alone. You're the only one whos been brave enough to come anywhere near me." She laughed, and then stopped. "I've been waiting to see how long it took before you got scared or were stupid enough to come up to me. It makes it alot easier when dinner brings its own sides." Her tongue ran across her lips. "I dont mind if you want to eat me, I have no one. I would rather be eaten and be useful for something." Her smile was quickly gone and she backed away. "So you're alone as well? What's your name?" 

I gave her a weak smile of my own, "I just told you I belong to no one, why would I have been given a name?" She sighed and took the berries from my hands. "Come" she said nodding at the tree. "You and I are the same, we can become eachothers." She stared at me waiting for a response, as if she was waiting for me to run away. "You will become mine?" 

"And I will be yours" She responded. I felt tears well up in my eyes, "Thankyou Kitsune." "Kitsune?", she questioned. "I-i'm sorry thats just what I ended up calling you, if you dont like it I wont call you that again." She thought for a while and then spoke, "Then I'll call you Kit, like the baby bunny you are. Now eat, how would you be anyones meal if you have no meat on you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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