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welcome to book three and if you've been reading the past two books then id like to say i LOVE YOU and thank you <3333 i cant believe how many reads book one is getting???? its at like 200 views so far and thats so crazy to me LMAOO

again, ive been following both the books AND the movies for some parts i hope that doesnt bother people too much.

id just like to give a quick warning that theres mention of underage drinking in this (gene is nearly 15 and shes also a british teen... shes definitely drinking before legal age LMAO) if that bothers you then its at the end of chapter 14 and another mention in chapter 15

theres also mention of feeling sick (nothing graphic at all just a small mention) in chapter 15 so if you have emetephobia theres that!

ill be uploading playlists when i have finished each book btw! not definitive but some songs definitely matter and played a huge part in what i was writing so yeah

i think thats about everything? of course i own none of the harry potter characters or anything of the hp universe that is mentioned, except for my own characters (the fiordalis', lorelai craft and two brand new characters!!!)

i also want to say that jkr sucks and i absolutely do not align myself with her views on the trans community whatsoever.


thank you for reading this far if you have and i hope you have a  lovely day or night wherever you are <3

all my love xxx

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