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They lost the game and they would wallow in their grief later but for now, it was their time to spend with family and friends. Adelaide and Jackson went for dinner with her father, while Theodore, Jeremy and Lizzy went for a barbecue with Nathan.
Jackson, how has University been so far?" Adelaide's father asked.
"Great, well even after losing that game, but it's still good," he said awkwardly.
"Dad are we having a Christmas dinner with the family?" Adelaide asked.
"I think so, your favourite aunt has talked about it, but we haven't decided on a venue," he said as he cut up his steak.
They were in a stuffy high-class steak house. This caused both Adelaide and Jackson to be uncomfortable and stiff. They hated this kind of place which made them want to join Theodore and the rest of them no matter who much she did not like him.
Meanwhile, Theodore, Lizzy, Jeremy and Nathan were having the time of their lives. Although they were sour with the defeat in their minds, it did not stop them from reconciling, but they too had serious stuff to talk about. At that, June and Elaine joined them.
"Le patron, I have the information you needed. All the hospitals that her mother was admitted to have no record of her death. The one she was in Norway has no record of her dying of a heart attack. Only that she died. It's like her records disappeared into thin air." Nathan said getting serious.
"That's not right, she's always talking about how she died of a heart attack, are you sure you check all of the hospitals?" Theodore asked.
"Definitely, but I'll double-check for your sake," Nathan told him.
"Thanks, I also need you to help me look into the Norwegian hospital and find out all the doctors and nurses that took care of her mother and send them to me," Theodore asked him.
"Yes, sir!" Nathan said with a mock salute.
"June, can you and Elaine do a background check on all the medical staff Nathan sends you ?" he was giving out orders now.
"Yes, sir!" they both said with a firm nod.
"Lizzy, you know what to do,"
"Yes, sir!" she saluted him playfully.
"Jeremy, you are with me, we are going to find out who planned all this," Theodore said while Jeremy nodded at him.
"I hope all of you finish your tasks before Christmas, then we will decide how to help her find out the truth," Theodore said, looking at his Cercle Interieur.
After that, they were done with their serious talk they could let loose and enjoy their rare times together.
The next day, they reported for training as of usual. Their coach had fallen ill the day they left for the headquarters, but he was now back up on his feet ready to drill them till they dropped. The training was brutal that afternoon, for they had lost, but besides that, the inter-campus race was to happen after in spring. In the end, they were all exhausted, but they still had the energy for an encouragement party.
Even their coach had come to join them, it was a night filled with joyous laughter before a lunatic was to arrive.
The team was warming up while the captains were having their daily meeting with the coach when Theodore's crazy fan-girl burst into the office.
"Mr Morque, I want to request for allowance to form a cheer-leading team for the winter biathlon team," Rachel said without an ounce of respect.
"Miss, you should know that knocking is a basic etiquette," Alexandro said, giving her a disapproving look.
"I sorry, sir, I was just too excited."
"Sit down, I'll talk to you after I finish with these two," he pointed at the sofa in his office.
He turned back to Adelaide and Theodore with the question all over his face." Do you think it is wise?" he asked referring to have a cheer-leading team.
Theodore shook his head knowing how Rachel was, it would disturb their training, especially if they did it during training.
"Sir, it may be something to cheer them on as they train as long as they don't disturb our training, it should be fine. If we don't allow it, I'm sure they will pester us till we let them." Adelaide said lowering her voice to make sure Rachel did not hear.
"No, I disagree. I know Rachel and her 'underlings' they will disturb the whole team, and most of the boys dislike them anyway," he said firmly.
"But what if they decide to come anyway?" Adelaide asked for she had met these kinds of girls before. "They may be worst, at least if we let them form the team, we have authority to make sure they stay in line," she argued.
"I agree with Adelaide. How about this, we let them form the team and if they step out of line we will break them up, okay?" Alexandro said knowing it could cause an argument that he wanted to avoid.
"Fine" was all he said knowing that what he predicted would happen eventually. With that, they left for training while their coach discussed the rules with Rachel.
Every time they trained the cheer-leading team was always there and it was getting unbearable. "The standard magazine each, rotate and shoot, I'm timing all of you," Adelaide had to shout over the noise.
As they trained, Rachel swaggered up to her. "Adelaide, don't you need to train too, I've learned some stuff from Theodore I'll help you watch them," she said in a sickly sweet voice.
The first time she said that Adelaide had ignored her, but now she was ready to explode. "I've trained under the legend in this sport, so I'm trained to know how to train by myself. Even so, I have Jackson to train with me later. This is my job as the captain!" she couldn't hold herself back anymore. The shotting range echoed with her voice, all of them had stopped shooting to watch the drama unfold.
Rachel gave her a pout as if she was going to cry. Adelaide was breathing hard from all the pent-up anger at these annoying brats. "I... I was just trying to help you." Rachel said her voice wobbling.
"You want to help me? Then take your cheer-leading team and scram! NOW! " She screamed with angry finger-pointing at the door.
"No, I want to be here," she was being childish.
"NO, you don't, you are only here to look at Theodore. Don't think we don't know," she said, fed up with Rachel's behaviour.
"So what if I am? Who are you to send me away," Rachel demanded.
"I, as one of the captains, am entrusted to make sure my team is in tip-top shape, and I am allowed to drag anyone off the premises if they disturb training and cause my team to feel uncomfortable," she said, glaring at the girl in front of her. "It's either you leave on your own, or I drag you all out myself. Choose."
"I did nothing wrong. I'm staying here, you can't make me go anywhere." Rachel said looking down from her nose.
"Dragging it is then," Adelaide said before grabbing her wrist tightly and dragging her towards the exit, Rachel could not even stop her, for Adelaide too strong with all the training she did.
Soon she had caught and dragged all of them out with the help of June, they slammed the door in their faces and locked it before pushing a table against it just in case.
The team was both shocked and proud of their captain as they watched how she dealt with those princesses.
Most people would just let it be as to not get in trouble, but Adelaide seemed fearless. Lone applause came from behind her, Theodore was clapping with a smirk on his face.
"I want to cue the 'I told you so", but we can do that later, for now, enjoy the fact that you just dragged out the most infamous person on campus, so bad that even Christy can't compare," he said the smirk still on his face.
Chuckling softly, she gave him a mock crusty before she flipped him off. That day training went on more peaceful than ever before since the cheer-leading team was formed.
Days later, Rachel cornered Theodore. "That girl has no right to chase me out, I want to get back in," she said, unsatisfied.
"Well, I completely agree with her, it is our job to make sure our team is always at its best, and all of you will only disrupt that. So, no, I won't help you," He said in a tone that most people would back down from, but Rachel lived in a world that revolved around her and so this did not register into her brain.
"Why are you siding with that frickin girl that can't even give you anything?" She whined.
"I don't have the time and patience to chat with you, I have the training to conduct, say what you want and leave." He said, pointing away from him.
Her eyes had a hungry look in it. " Really, Okay. If you do as I say, then I won't ever interrupt your training. I want to......"

Hi guys I'm sorry for this but thank you to everyone who gave this book a chance and read it. I was actually was away for like 2 months and came back to see 53 reads, thank you all so much and if yall ever write your own and want me to help promoted just text me or write in the comments. Thank you all again!!!! Love You.


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