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So this was how it's gonna be, huh? Even death was too good for him. After all the pain he's been through, you would think that he deserved a break. Maybe it was just karma. After all, he did hurt his friends and loved ones. But a fate like this? To be treated as an object just to experiment on? It was just cruel. Not that he could do anything about it. Suddenly, unknown hands reached out and yanked harshly on his collar.

"Let's go, you useless mutant. You should be thankful that one of us picked you up before you're beyond help."

The young male just looked up blankly. Everything hurt. His bones ached from the lack of exercise and his stomach grumbled. What hurt the most, was the huge empty hole in his heart. As if rejection wasn't bad enough, imagine nearly suffocating to death. It's not a good feeling. He thrashed and flailed, but the condition he was in now left him helpless.

The strangers dragged the him to some sort of lab, probably for people like him to be experimented on, judging by the chains in the walls. After he was secured to the chains, a group of  doctors/scientists stepped into his view. One of them were holding some sort of green liquid. The male's eyes widened. This was probably one of those 'quirk drugs' that gave the normal part of society some kind of power. He watched helplessly as the needle went into his arm, the green liquid disappearing. Hopefully that kills him. He's already gone through enough.






An agonising pain spread through his weak body. It was as if someone was trying to stitch something on his back. The drugs were working. He arched his back again, and this time he couldn't hold back his screams. Please. Someone. Anyone. Help....

The Last Breath I Take │Hawks x DabiWhere stories live. Discover now