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"Today we'll be doing some trust exercises. All of you, partner up," Forkle announced early Sunday morning on one of the group training days "make sure it's someone you don't work with often," He added
Dex cursed under his breath. That meant he couldn't pair with Sophie, Biana or Keefe. He turned to lihn, only to see her side by side with Sophie. His eyes darted around to find Tam when they met with a pair of dazzling teal ones. No, no, no. Anyone but him, Dex broke eye contact and looked for Tam, but by the time he saw the shade Fitz had made his way over
"Looks like it's you and me, dizznee." Fitz told him. Dex wished he could deny it, but everyone else was already split off into pairs. Dex tried to tamp down his blush as he rolled his eyes
"Fine. Just try not to be a show off." He crossed his arms and led the taller boy away from the group, over to a log, where they sat down. "So. What are we supped to be doing?"
"Oh. . . Uh. We're supposed to be sharing three secrets," Fitz told him, averting his eyes. Was he. . . Blushing? No, trick of the light. Dex shook his head, trying to clear it
"Right, right. So. . . Gonna do the weird thing and 'slip into my mind' or whatever?" Dex asked
"I guess I should. . . " Fitz agreed, closing his eyes to concentrate. Dex noticed an adorable wrinkle in between his brows and blushed, when a familiar voice whispered in his mind
"I'm in."
Dex jumped and shoved the thoughts out of his mind "okay, cool," he thought "who should go firsts?"

"How was training?" Sophie asked as Dex flopped down onto her bed. They had agreed to hang out after training, so Dex had made his way over after a quick shower
"Weird." Dex told her. Sophie glanced at him, staying quite "I had to pair up with wonderboy," Dex rolled his eyes
"I thought we were over that nickname." Sophie said
"Just because I don't hate him anymore doesn't mean he isn't still. . ." Dex struggled the to find the right word. His mind flashed through perfect, handsome, and A
awesome before he told that part of his head to shut it and decided on "a show off"
"Fine," Sophie said "can we. . . Talk about someone else?" She shifted in her seat. This was the reason Dex couldn't tell her about his recent . . . 'Emotions'- as he liked to call them- toward Fitz. They had just broken up, and It was still fresh for Sophie
"Sure," Dex agreed

Dex had decided he was cursed by Wednesday, and by Thursday he was sure the universe was out to get him. He had had a rotten week, from the triplets using his own stash of prank elixirs against him on Tuesday, to when he had totally messed up his big project due the next week for his technopath class on Wednesday. But on Thursday, Leto had doubled his problems

"There you are," Leto said as Dex slipped into his office "I was beginning to think you were going to ignore my request."
"Of course not, you're not only in charge of me at school, I'm a part of your. . . After school group." Dex told him, which made Leto snort
"You can say the Blackswan, Mr. Dizznee. No one is around to hear us."
"Right," Dex flushed "anyway, what is it?" He asked
"Well, as I'm sure you're aware, the prodigies of foxfire are doing special skills training-"
"Right." Dex said
"-and you're doing exceedingly well, Mr. Dizznee." Dex smiled at the praise "but not all of our students are adjusting as well as you. I've decided to ask you to tutor one of your fellow prodigies." Leto told him. Dex's smile faded a little
"Who is it? It's not someone like Stina or something, right?" He had to ask
"No. I've decided you'd be most compatible with Mr. Vacker." Leto said. Dex's mind flashed to Biana before he realized he had said Mr.
"Wait, you're asking me to teach Fitz?" Dex asked, his mind trying to wrap itself around the idea. Nope, still didn't make sense
"Yes, I am." Leto said, looking him in the eye. Dex almost laughed before he thought better of it
"Is this an actual school thing or for the blackswan?"
"It's for foxfire. Other students have been asked the same thing" Dex sighed
"Is it optional?" He asked
"Yes," Dex opened his mouth to say no when Leto finished "But, Mr. Vacker has been informed and had already accepted help, should you be willing to give it."
Dex's head dropped back, and he stared up at the glass ceiling, trying to hide his blush as he whispered  "I'll do it, then."

"Those gates are almost as shiny as your spotless record. Up until now, I guess," Dex said as he walked into Everglen, met by Fitz
"Haha. Is today just going to be you making fun of me?" Fitz asked
"Pretty much, yeah." Dex shrugged
"Fine. But get it out of your system today, and after that no more, ok?" Fitz sighed
"Fiiiiine." Dex agreed, and he followed Fitz deeper into the estate

"Wow, is your room always this clean or did you tidy  up for little old me?" Dex asked as he shut the door behind him
"It's always this clean. I like keeping things organized." Fitz told him, leading him over to the far side of the room where a table and two chairs were
"Course it is." Dex snorted, before falling silent as he took in the table. Tea and cookies were all set up in between the two chairs. Dex blushed, cleared his throat, and opened his mouth to make another joke when he noticed something "are those my favorite cookies?"
"Yeah. I asked Sophie so I could get the right kind." Fitz mumbled, looking away. Dex didn't know what to say after that, so he just sat in one of the cushy armchairs, and they both sat and ate in silence for a long time before Fitz broke it "so, are we gonna get started?"
"Right," Dex stood, brushing crumbs off his simple grey tunic "come over here." Dex walked over to a open space and sat against the wall, motioning for Fitz to sit in front of him
"Ok, so we're gonna work on some temperature regulation. It's simple, and a good starting ability." Dex held out his hand, an invitation for Fitz to take it. He did.
"Why. . .?" Fitz asked, and Dex flushed
"Sometimes it's easier to focus on friction when you're not the only one making it. Ok so first what you have to do is-" a small snort escaped Dex. He tried to cover it with a cough, but the flood gates were open. He started laughing hysterically
"What? Did I do something?" Fitz asked, still grasping the other boys hand
"No, no," Dex calmed himself "it's just weird for me to be teaching something to a vacker" he admitted "wonderboy, needing help from me." Dex smiled, and Fitz frowned back
"Why do you hate me?" He asked. Dex flushed at the sudden accusation
"I- I don't," he averted his eyes from Fitz's, since the stupid teal color kept making his heart flutter
"Well you act like it. You always make fun of me and call me that dumb nickname." Fitz said. Dex expected him to let go of his hand, but instead he gripped it tighter
"I don't hate you. I used to to, like a lot. But then I actually met you. Like away from school and all your popularity. And you're honestly really sweet and caring and cute-"
"Dex?" Fitz asked. Some part of Dex registered what he was saying, but his mouth kept going before his brain could catch up
"And I don't hate you at all. I like you, Wonderboy. Like a lot." Dex was sure he was bright red as he finally realized what he just said. He refused to look at Fitz, and the silence seemed to stretch on forever, until he broke it "I should go" the strawberry blond tried to stand, but his had was still holding Fitz's.
"Dizznee." Fitz said. Dex still looked away "Dex," Fitz whispered. Finally, Dex met his sparking teal eyes, ready to get denied, just like with Sophie. Instead, Fitz tugged him back down to the ground, their eyes still locked "I like you, too." He smiled, and Dex felt his stomach swoop. Fitz slowly inched closer, his hands on either side of Dex's head, one hand still intertwined with his. They were so close. . . Dex would just have to lean forward a little. So he did. And when their lips met, Dex melted. He felt warm tingles and butterflies didn't come close to what was happening in his stomach. But he pressed a little closer, and Fitz met him, until finally they had to break for air.
"Like a lot?" Dex whispered, bright red, smiling
"Like a lot." Fitz agreed

Hiiiiiiii. Author speaking! Yeah, I'm still working on a title, sorry. Also, would love some suggestions for the next chapter. Any ships you'd like to see? Just ask! I'll probably do it if I've read the book. I didn't know what to name this chapter cause I've never heard a proper name for this ship, lol. This chapter was by request through one of my other books, but I forgot who it was and my notifications have been swamped since then, but if you're that person or if you just like this ship, here you go! If you didn't enjoy this one, you can always wait till next chapter or suggest a ship in the comments. Thanks for the support and pllleeeasssee remember to like this chapter and/or add this book to your public library. Thanks for reading, see you my lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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