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Ok, guys. New story. I honestly don't know where this one came from, but it just popped up. I hope you enjoy, and yes, eventually I will upload all my other stories, lol. 

Bear with me, people. 



"I hate you!" I yelled as I slammed the door on his face. 

"Kayla, just listen to me! It wasn't what it looked like." He said exasperatedly. 

"You wanna know what it looked like? It looked like you were sucking her face, that's what!"

I wiped the tears from my face and pushed my once perfect hair, from my face. 

"Kayla, just please, listen to me."


I walked over to the stairs and sat down on the fourth step. My blue dress was covered in mud.

"Great." I muttered.

While I sat on the stair complaining to myself about how much dry cleaning was going to cost, I didn't realize my front door open.

"Kayla." He whispered softly. 

The sight of him brought tears back to my eyes. 

"How could you? How could you do this to me? With her of all people." 

He came over and bent down in front of me. He placed his rough hands on my face and used his thumb to wipe my tears away. 

"I'm so sorry you had to see that. It honestly wasn't what you think it was."

"I don't.. I can't.."

Forming complete sentences was rough for me considering I was practically swallowing my sobs.

"I love you, Kayla," he whispered in my ear. 

I brought my brown eyes to meet his emerald ones.

"Say it again." I demanded.

"I love you, and no one else."

I brought my face up to his and softly kissed his lips. 

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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